Meeting documents
SCC Heart of the South West Joint Committee
Friday, 25th May, 2018 10.00 am
Venue: County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 4QD
Contact: Julian Gale, Democratic Services, Somerset County Council 01823 357628
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To be reported and recorded |
Appointments i) Election of Chair To elect a Chair for the municipal year ii) Appointment of Vice-Chair To appoint a Vice-Chair for the remainder of the municipal year
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes of the HotSW Joint Committee To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd March 2018 as a correct record. |
Public Question Time The Chair will allow members of the public to present a petition on any matter within the Committee’s remit. Questions or statements about any matter on the agenda for this meeting will be taken at the time when each matter is considered.
HotSW Productivity Strategy Delivery Plan To consider an update report on the development of the Delivery Plan focusing on outcomes and opportunities - for approval (attached as Paper 6.0) – to be presented by Chris Garcia, Chief Executive of the HotSW LEP. To include a verbal update from Karime Hassan on the Housing workstream.
Peninsula Sub-national Transport Body Progress Report To consider an update on progress with the establishment of the Peninsula Sub-national Transport Body (attached as Paper 7.0) – for information – to be presented by Pat Flaherty, Governance Lead, Leaders for the Heart of the South West
HotSW Joint Committee Communications Strategy To consider a report setting out a Communications Strategy for the partnership (paper attached – Paper 8) – for information - to be presented by Julian Gale, Strategic Manager – Partnership Governance, Somerset County Council.
Additional documents: |
HotSW Joint Committee Draft Budget and Cost Sharing Agreement To consider a report updating the Joint Committee on its budget position for 2018/19 and presenting a draft Budget and Cost Sharing Agreement - for approval and recommendation to the constituent authorities (attached as Paper 9.0) – to be presented by Julian Gale, Strategic Manager – Partnership Governance, Somerset County Council.
Additional documents: |
Great South West Update To consider an update report on Great South West (attached as paper 10.0) - for decision – to be presented by Chris Garcia, Chief Executive of the HotSW Local Enterprise Partnership. |
Brexit Resilience and Opportunities Group (BROG) To receive a verbal update on the work of the group from Phil Norrey, Chief Executive, Devon County Council.
Date of next meeting To note that the next meeting of the Joint Committee meeting will be held on Friday 20th July 2018 at 10.00am – venue to be confirmed. Work programme for this meeting to include:
· Update on discussions with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy · Delivery Plan update · To agree principles for the investment framework
Any other business |