Meeting documents

SCC Executive
Wednesday, 19th October, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Luttrell Room, County Hall, Taunton, TA1 4DY

Contact: Mike Bryant or Michelle Brooks  Email: 01823 357628

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils can be viewed on the Council Website at County Councillors membership of Town, City, Parish or District Councils and this will be displayed in the meeting room (Where relevant).


The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via request to the Democratic Service Team


Minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Public Question Time

The Chair will allow members of the public to present a petition on any matter within the Executive’s remit. Questions or statements about any matter on the agenda for this meeting may be taken at the time when each matter is considered.


Temporary Worker Procurement pdf icon PDF 442 KB

To consider the report


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion the Executive:


1. Approved the award of a four-year contract for the provision of temporary labour to Somerset County Council from 1st January 2023, and then the newly formed Somerset Council following Vesting Day on 1st April 2023.


2. Agreed to a short extension of the current Reed contract until 31st December 2022 to allow for the implementation of the new arrangements.


3. Agreed that Appendix A be treated in confidence, as the case for the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing that information.


ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report



Cost of Living - Working Group Report pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Report to follow


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion the Executive:

1.    Welcomed the considerable progress made to date and endorses the future direction of travel

2.    Supported the intention of the group to focus initially on the Period November 2022 - March 2023, with a review in early 2023 to determine whether there is ongoing need for support

3.    Supported the £200,000 contributed to the Somerset Community Foundation’s Food Resilience project from the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable fund held by Public Health

ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report



Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (Lots 1 - 5) pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To consider the report


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive agreed:


1.    To award the contract for the Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse service, which comprises 5 service ‘lots’ to the preferred providers as set out in the confidential Appendix A which is available on request. The 5 ‘lots’ comprise of:


·         Central hub

·         Safe Accommodation

·         Advocacy, support, and behaviour change

·         Counselling

·         Children and young people


2.    That Appendix A should be exempt information and to be treated in confidence on the grounds that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of the tenderers and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report



Any other items of urgent business