Meeting documents

SCC Executive
Wednesday, 21st September, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Luttrell Room, County Hall, Taunton

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils can be viewed on the Council Website at County Councillors membership of Town, City, Parish or District Councils and this will be displayed in the meeting room (Where relevant).


The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via request to the Democratic Service Team


Public Question Time

The Chair will allow members of the public to present a petition on any matter within the Executive’s remit. Questions or statements about any matter on the agenda for this meeting may be taken at the time when each matter is considered.


Minutes of the meeting held on 17 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 120 KB


Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - month 4 pdf icon PDF 806 KB

To consider the report.


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:


a) Noted the forecast overspend for 2022/23 of £23.9m and the key risks, future issues and opportunities detailed in the report which will be closely monitored and updated throughout the year.


b) Agreed that both Adults & Health Scrutiny and Children’s & Families Scrutiny Committees be asked to review the 2022/23 budget monitoring position and actions for their services, and to make recommendations to the Executive.


Crisis Support Service for Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To consider this report


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion the Executive approved the recommissioning of both elements of the Crisis Support Service and the delegation for contract award to the Lead Member for Adult Social Care, following the conclusion of the procurement process.


Taunton Community Governance Review pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices, PowerPoint presentation and discussion the Executive approved:


1)       Endorsed and recommended the report and recommendations 2.1- 2.10 in the report of Somerset West and Taunton Council Community Governance Review Working Group to the Extraordinary meeting of the County Council on 5 October 2022.


2)       Agreed in principle, subject to the County Council making the Order, to use a phased approach to transfer the assets and services to the proposed new Taunton parish/town council starting with those identified in Appendix I, where reasonably practicable on 1 April 2023 and that officers from the County Council and Somerset West and Taunton Council work collaboratively ahead of vesting day to finalise the proposed assets and services to transfer for consideration and approval by the Executive.


Commercial Decision: Education lease conditions Dillington House pdf icon PDF 358 KB

To consider this report.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices, PowerPoint presentation and discussion, the Executive:


1)       Agreed to cease operations at Dillington on 30 September 2023.


2)       Authorised Corporate Property and Legal Services to negotiate with the Landlord and their representatives to agree a Deed of Variation of the Lease to vary the break date within the lease to 30th November 2023, such Deed of Variation to be completed prior to the date for serving of the break notice required by the existing break provisions within the Lease, and authorised SCC to enter into the Deed of Variation with a view to ceasing SCC activities from Dillington House on 30th September 2023 and exiting the lease on 30 November 2023.


3)       Delegated authority to officers to serve notice in accordance with the varied break clause.


4)       In the event that the Deed of Variation to vary the break date within the lease cannot be agreed and completed prior to the date for service of the break notice required by the existing break provisions within the lease, authorised Corporate Property to instruct Legal Services to serve the break notice required by the existing break provisions in order to break the lease on 25 March 2023 and negotiate a new tenancy arrangement with the Landlord to facilitate SCC’s continued occupation until 30th September 2023.


5)       Delegated authority to officers to negotiate with the Landlord of Dillington House to seek an exit from the lease to minimise loss to the public purse.



6)       Delegated authority to the Director of Customers, Digital and Workforce explore measures that will reduce operational viability risks at Dillington until the date of service cessation.


Any other items of urgent business