Meeting documents

SCC County Council
Wednesday, 23rd February, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Hollingsworth Hall, Canalside Conference Centre, Huntworth, Somerset TA6 6LQ

Contact: Scott Wooldridge, Monitoring Officer on 01823 357628 or 07790 577336  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

  • View the decision for item 19.


Cllr N Bloomfield, Cllr H Davies, Cllr N Hewitt-Cooper, Cllr D Johnson, Cllr M Keating, Cllr J Parham, Cllr B Revans and Cllr M Rigby.


Declarations of Interest

Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils can be viewed on the Council Website at

County Councillors membership of Town, City, Parish or District Councils and this will be displayed in the meeting room (Where relevant).


The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via request to the Democratic Service Team.


There were no new declarations.


Minutes from the meetings held on 24 November 2021 and 19 January 2022 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Council is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 24 November 2021 and 19 January 2022 were accepted as a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chair of Council.


The minutes of the meetings held on 24 November 2021 and 19 January 2022 were accepted as a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chair of Council.


Chair's Announcements pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Council received and noted the report.


The Chair outlined the limited number of events attended due to the restrictions of Covid 19 the number of visits has been limited but those attended were listed. The Chair took this opportunity to express his support for local charities as their work was vital to the whole community in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Public Question Time

(see explanatory notes attached to agenda)

This item includes the presentation of petitions. Details of any public questions / petitions submitted will be included in the Chair’s Schedule which will be made available to the members and to the public at the meeting.


There were public questions from: -

·         Sigurd Reimers.

·         Nigel Behan.

·         Alan Debenham and

·         David Redgewell.


The questions and answers are attached to these minutes.


In addition, a petition was presented to the County Council in relation to a recently introduced Parking Scheme around Weymouth Road in Frome. The petition requested  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.


Report of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel - Members Allowances 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To consider a report by the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel (JIRP). The recommendations relate to the Scheme of Members Allowances 2022 -23.

Additional documents:


The Council welcomed and thanked the Panel for its report and recommendations and RESOLVED to:


1.     Support and agree the Panel’s recommendations 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.


2.     Reject the proposed Panel’s recommendation 1 and 8 to increase the level of Basic Allowance for 2021/22 and 2022/23 by inflation (as determined by CPiH) and instead increase the level of Basic Allowances for 2021/22 and 2022/23 at the same level of increase as for officer pay levels.


(Reason for the revised proposal is to continue with the principle that the Council has adopted for several years and concern about agreeing a recommendation to increase Members Allowances at over twice the annual percentage increase that staff will receive)


3.     Reject the Panel’s recommendation 3 in relation to Junior Cabinet Members and instead propose that they are moved to Band 6 noting that these roles may be subject to review following the elections in May 2022.


(Reason for the revised proposal is it is felt the reduction to Band 7 does not adequately reflect the support and time that current Junior Cabinet Members provide when compared to comparable roles)


4.     Reject the Panel’s recommendation 4 and to continue with the current level of special responsibility allowance for Opposition Spokespersons.


(Reasons for the revised proposal is it is felt that the level of time and commitment given by Opposition Spokespersons warrants an allowance in line with the Council’s arrangements for several years)


5.     Reject the Panel’s recommendation 5 and to increase the level of special responsibility allowance for Vice-Chairs of Regulation and Audit Committees to Band 6.


(Reasons for the revised proposal is it is felt that the level of responsibility and commitment given by the Vice-Chairs of these decision-making committees warrants an allowance in line with the Vice Chair of Scrutiny Committees)


6.     Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make any amendments to the existing Scheme of Allowances in order to publish the Scheme of Members’ Allowances 2022/23 as a result of the Council’s decisions to recommendations 1-5 above.



This report was to inform the Council adopting a new Members’ Allowances Scheme before 1st April 2022 and as part of that process the Council must have regards to the recommendations from its Independent Renumeration Panel.  The arrangements for determining allowances for elected members are set down in statutory regulations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Report of the Leader and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 72 KB

  • View the decision for item 25.

To consider a report with recommendations from the Leader of the Council, arising from the Cabinet meeting on 14 February 2022.


The recommendations relate to:

·       MTFP (Medium Term Financial Plan) 2022/23  Budget and Council Tax setting (Paper A)

·       Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 (Paper B)

Additional documents:


The Medium-Term Financial Plan 2022/23 (including the Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax Setting etc as set out in Paper A and its appendices).


The Council RESOLVED to


Approve the General Fund net revenue budget for 2022/23 of £378,646,000 and the individual service budgets for 2022/23 as outlined in Appendix 1 including:


a) The transformation, savings and income generation plans outlined in Appendix 2, noting the savings did not require detailed Equalities Impact Assessments.


b) The additional funding requirements set out in Appendix 3.


c) The Finance and Assets Protocol as part of Local Government Reorganisation implementation as attached at Appendix 11.


d) An increase in Council Tax of 1.99% in 2022/23 (an increase of £26.94 per Band D property).


e) An increase of 1.00% to Council Tax for the Adult Social Care Precept is approved in recognition of the current demands and financialpressures on this service. This is equivalent to an increase of £13.54 on a Band D property.


f) Agree to continue the Council Tax precept of £12.84 within the base budget for the shadow Somerset Rivers Authority (representing no increase). This results in a Council Tax Requirement of £2,577,594. Page 80


g) Agree the precept requirement of £279,841,541 and set the County Council precept for Band D council tax charge at £1,394.00 for 2022/23.


h) The use of reserves for once-off spend and the overall estimated position of Earmarked Reserves outlined in Appendix 4.


i) Note the adequacy of General Reserves at £23.0m within a risk assessed range requirement of £20m - £30m.


j) The Capital & Investment Strategy attached at Appendix 6.


k) The Efficiency Strategy attached at Appendix 7.


l) The Capital Programme for 2022/23 of £110.2m including new capital bids of £48.4m outlined in Appendix 8, planned sources of funding, and notes the overall programme of £180.3m for 2023/24 to 2024/25 as outlined in Appendix 9.


m) The MRP Policy attached at Appendix 10.


n) The Capital Prudential Indicators outlined in tables 16-22.


o) To opt into the national procurement scheme for External Auditor Appointments administered through Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (PSAA).


p) Delegate any final Business Rates amendments to the Director of Finance and Governance in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


And to delegate any amendments within the final Government Financial Settlement and the final Business Rates amendments to the Director of Finance and Governance in consultation with the Leader of the Council.



Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2022-23 (as set out in Paper B and its appendices).


The Council RESOLVED to:


1. adopt the Treasury Borrowing Strategy (as shown in Section 2 of the report).


2. approve the Treasury Investment Strategy (as shown in Section 3 of the report) and proposed Lending Counterparty Criteria (attached at Appendix B to the report).


3. adopt the Prudential Treasury Indicators in section 4.


4. note Appendix A, that is adopted as part of the Councils Financial regulations.


5. note the current Treasury Management Practices (TMPs) attached at Appendix D to  ...  view the full decision text for item 25.


This report sets out the Leader’s and Cabinet’s recommendations to Council arising from their consideration of reports at the Cabinet meetings on 15 December 2021, 19 January and 14 February 2022. The report was introduced by the Leader of Council who welcomed this positive and sustainable budget. This would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Report of the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To consider the report and recommendations for:

·       Proposed scale of fee and charges for May 2022 Elections.

·       Proposed Contract Procurement Procedures and Standing Orders.

·       Proposed Members Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


The Council RESOLVED to:


Regarding the May 2022 elections:


Approve the scale of fees and charges for the elections on 5 May 2022 as set out in Appendix 1 and to delegate authority to the Returning Officer to agree any subsequent variations.


Regarding the Contract Procedure Rules and Standing Order:


Approve the revised Contract Procedure Rules and Standing Orders as set out in Appendix 2; including the updated approach to assessing the Most Economically Advantageous Tender of 60% price, 30% quality and 10% social value.


Regarding the proposed revised Members Code of Conduct


Agree the adoption of the revised Members Code of Conduct as set out in Appendix 3 for implementation from 6 May 2022 following the elections;


Agree the that revised Code of Conduct is incorporated into the Council’s Constitution from 6 May 2022;


Authorise the Monitoring Officer to develop and promote a Member Development programme to support the implementation of the revised Code of Conduct;


Agree that the revised Code of Conduct is promoted with Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) for adoption by City, Town and Parish Councils for implementation from 6 May 2022;


Endorse the Monitoring Officer to review and make any appropriate amendments to the Council’s complaints procedures for handling allegations about potential breaches of the Members Code of Conduct with reference to the LGA Guidance.


Regarding the proposed additional meeting of the County Council


Agree to hold a meeting of the County Council on Wednesday 27 April 2022 to approve the minutes of Committee meetings and other procedural matters before the elections are held in May 2022.



This report set out proposals for decisions on appointments and constitutional matters, the proposed scale of fees and charges for the May 2022 elections, proposals relating to revised Contract Procedure Rules and Standing Orders and a proposed revised Members Code of Conduct.


The Government has set out its proposals for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Report of the HR Policy Committee and Pay Policy Statement pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider a report with a recommendation relating to the Pay Policy Statement (PPS) for the Council for 2022-23.

Additional documents:


The Council RESOLVED to approve the Pay Policy Statement (PPS) for the Council for 2022-23.


This report covered the meeting of the HR Policy Committee workshop meeting on 18 January 2022 which considered a single item of business the Pay Policy Statement 2022/23. Officers prepared a draft 2022/23 Pay Policy Statement (PPS), which the HR Policy Committee workshop considered and requested that the Director for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Requisitioned Item pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To consider a report setting out a requisitioned item submitted for the Councils’ consideration.


Supporting Carers in Somerset


The Council RESOLVED to adopt the item, as amended, regarding Supporting Carers in Somerset.


The Council thanks all unpaid carers for looking after their loved ones through the difficult time of the pandemic, caring for their loved ones without the support that they rely on.


The Council believes that caring for our carers needs to be at the heart of our approach to creating a sustainable future for social care in Somerset.


That the Council notes that of the 58,000 carers in Somerset the vast majority do not seek financial support from the Council. Instead, they seek emotional support through carers groups both on-line and in person, or information on where to get support through our micro providers and volunteer networks and is the reason why the Council funds an independent carers service designed by carers for carers.


The Council commits to work with the NHS and voluntary sector to guarantee an assessment for carers’ support for all who want one, including the offer of short breaks and other options.


That the Council lobby central government to ensure that carers assessments are properly funded so that we can support people to stay in their own homes while unpaid carers can take the break they deserve.



This requisitioned item related to support and assessments for Carers who are entitled to a formal Care Assessment under the Care Act 2014. In Somerset there have been 72 formal Care Assessments against an understanding that there are 58,000 Carers in Somerset. There was some discussion around why so few  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Report of the Leader and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To receive reports by the Leader of Council summarising key decisions taken by him and the Cabinet, including at the Cabinet meetings.


(Note: Member Questions to the Leader and Cabinet Members will be taken under this item)



The Council received and noted this report.


This report covers key decisions taken by the Leader, Cabinet Members and officers between 13 November 2021 and 11 February 2022, together with the items of business discussed at the Cabinet meetings on 15 December 2021, 19 January 2022 and 15 February 2022.


The Council received and noted this report.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Annual Report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Families pdf icon PDF 272 KB

To consider the report.


The Council received and noted this report.



This report covered children’s social care, inclusion, early years, the West Somerset Opportunity area, commissioning and performance, and the support given to Children’s Services by the council as a whole. The strategic multi-agency framework for children’s services in Somerset, is met by ‘Our Plan’ – the Somerset’s Children and Young  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Annual Report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To consider the report.

Additional documents:


The Council received and noted this report.



This report provided a comprehensive and high-level overview of the work undertaken in the past year under the whole of the health and wellbeing portfolio. It focused particularly on the excellent work done during the pandemic to protect, maintain and improve the health of the local population. It gave some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Annual Report of the Cabinet Member for Transformation and Local Government Reform pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider the report.

Additional documents:


The Council received and noted this report.



This report covered the progress made on transformation across the major county council services and Local Government Review (LGR) since the last report to Council. Staff and elected members have collaborated closely to deliver improved performance for many services and a once in a generation new approach to local government  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Report of the Scrutiny for Adults and Health Committee pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To consider the report.


The Council received and noted this report.



The Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee is required by the Constitution to provide full Council with a summary progress report and outcomes of scrutiny. This report covers meetings since November 2021.


The Committee had asked that the County Council support the findings of the Oral Health Needs Assessment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Report of the Scrutiny for Policies and Place Committee pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider the report.


The Council received and noted this report.



The Scrutiny Committee for Policies and Place is required by the Constitution to make an annual report to the Council and also to provide each other meeting of the Council with a summary progress report and outcomes of scrutiny. This regular report covers the work of the Committee meetings held  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Report of the Scrutiny for Children and Families Committee pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider the report.


The Council received and noted this report.



The Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee is required by the Constitution to provide Full Council with a summary progress report and outcomes of scrutiny. This report covers the work of the Scrutiny Committee from November 2021 to January 2022 and provides information on the items to be considered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.