Meeting documents

SCC Avon & Somerset Police and Crime Panel
Friday, 18th February, 2022 10.30 am

Contact: Patricia Jones, Governance Specialist in Democratic Services, Somerset County Council  Email:


No. Item

** Public Guidance notes contained in agenda annexe ** pdf icon PDF 35 KB


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from Panel members.


Public Question Time

Members of the public who reside or work in the Avon and Somerset Force area may submit a statement or petition or ask a maximum of two questions at a Panel meeting.


Statements or questions should be e-mailed to, or sent to the Democratic Services Team, County Hall Taunton TA1 4DY (marked for the attention of Patricia Jones). Statements must be received no later than 12:00 noon the working day prior to the meeting. For the purposes of this meeting, your statement should be submitted by noon on 17th February 2022.  Questions must be received no later than three clear working days before the meeting, in this case by 5:00 pm on 14th February 2022. 


Please note that all statements and questions must relate to matters that fall within the Panel’s functions and responsibilities.


Declarations of Interest

The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected by contacting Patricia Jones in the Democratic Services Team on Tel: 07855 284506 or


Confirmatory Hearing - Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner pdf icon PDF 377 KB

(a)  Report of the Lead Officer

(b)  Report of the Police and Crime Commissioner

(c)   Advert

(d)  Role Profile

(e)  Terms of Appointment

(f)   Independent Consultant Report

Additional documents:


Consideration of Panel Recommendation for the Appointment of DPCC - Exclusion of the Press and Public

It is recommended that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of Item 5 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended).  Exempt Paragraph 1 Information relating to any individual.


Panel Decision

To receive the decision of the Panel.


Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is 17th March 2022 at 10:30 am in the Luttrell Room at County Hall.