Meeting documents

SSDC Area South Committee
Wednesday, 5th October, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil.

Contact: Jo Boucher, Case Officer - 01935 462011  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of previous meeting

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Area South Committee held on 10th August 2022.  The draft minutes can be viewed at:





The minutes of the Area South Committee held on Wednesday 10th August 2022, copies of which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.





Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Karl Gill and Peter Seib.


Councillors John Clark and David  Gubbins joined virtually but would not be able to vote.


Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Council's current Code of Conduct (as amended 26 February 2015), which includes all the provisions relating to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), personal and prejudicial interests, Members are asked to declare any DPI and also any personal interests (and whether or not such personal interests are also "prejudicial") in relation to any matter on the Agenda for this meeting. 

Members are reminded that they need to declare the fact that they are also a member of a County, Town or Parish Council as a Personal Interest.  Where you are also a member of Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council within South Somerset you must declare a prejudicial interest in any business on the agenda where there is a financial benefit or gain or advantage to Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council which would be at the cost or to the financial disadvantage of South Somerset District Council. 

Planning Applications Referred to the District Council’s Regulation Committee

The following members of this Committee are also members of the Council's Regulation Committee:

Councillors Peter Gubbins, Tony Lock, Peter Seib and Andy Soughton.

Where planning applications are referred by this Committee to the Regulation Committee for determination, Members of the Regulation Committee can participate and vote on these items at the Area Committee and at Regulation Committee. In these cases the Council's decision-making process is not complete until the application is determined by the Regulation Committee.  Members of the Regulation Committee retain an open mind and will not finalise their position until the Regulation Committee.  They will also consider the matter at Regulation Committee as Members of that Committee and not as representatives of the Area Committee.


Councillor Gina Seaton declared a personal and prejudicial interest regarding Item 9 Grant to West Coker Parish Council as she is a member of the West Coker Parish Council.  She would leave the room during this item.


Councillor Jeny Snell declared a personal interest in Item 16 Planning Application 19/03242/OUT as she has a friend who had made an objection.


Councillor Rob Stickland declared a personal interest in Item 16 Planning Application 19/03242/OUT as he is Chairman of Yeovil Without Parish Council.



Public question time


There were no questions from members of the public.


Chairman's announcements


There were no Chairmans’ announcements.


Reports from representatives on outside organisations

This is an opportunity for Members who represent the Council on outside organisations to report items of interest to the Committee.


There were no reports from members on outside organisations.


Market Review Working Group - Verbal Update


As there had been no recent meeting of the Market Review Working Group no update for members was given.


Verbal Update on Yeovil Refresh

The Director, Place and Recovery will be in attendance to give an update on the progress of the Yeovil Refresh.


Natalie Fortt, Regeneration Programme Manager gave members a verbal update on the Yeovil Refresh which included:


·         Preparation works to begin along Westminster Street week commencing 24th October 2022 with full works to begin week commencing 31st October 2022.  Work will initially take place in the evening to reduce disruption to businesses, all those affected have been contacted.

·         Hope to sign off work already finished at Westminster Street after BT have completed their works on 27th October 2022.

·         BT work now completed at Wine Street and hopeful to sign off this work very soon.

·         Works continue at the Triangle with utilities work taking place and progressing well.


Members voiced concern regarding the state of the pavement at Wine Street.  The Chairman as Portfolio Holder for Yeovil Refresh acknowledged the ongoing issues and would raise these at the next board meeting.



Community Grant to West Coker Parish Council - West Coker Pavilion Solar PV Installation (Executive Decision) pdf icon PDF 364 KB



That a grant of £12,435.00 be awarded to West Coker Parish Council towards the installation of solar photovoltaic panels on the new West Coker Pavilion allocated from the Area South capital programme and subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants (Appendix A).



To consider a grant funding request towards West Coker Pavilion.


(Voting: unanimous)




(Councillor Gina Seaton left the room during consideration of this item).


The Locality Officer presented the report and explained the details of the grant application.  She said the scheme had scored highly and aligns with the Council Plan priorities especially the environment strategy and action plan where this project will ensure long term energy security and generate savings and possible income in the future.


Members voiced their full support of the scheme and praised the hard work in delivering the new pavilion which will be a huge benefit to the local community.  They believed the installation of solar photovoltaic panels will create sustainable long-term saving costs in an environmentally sustainable way.


It was then proposed and subsequently seconded to award a grant of £12,435.00 towards the installation of the solar photovoltaic panels on the West Coker Pavilion.  On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously. 



That a grant of £12,435.00 be awarded to West Coker Parish Council towards the installation of solar photovoltaic panels on the new West Coker Pavilion allocated from the Area South capital programme and subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants (Appendix A).



To consider a grant funding request towards West Coker Pavilion.


(Voting: unanimous)




Area South Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 229 KB


Councillor Tony Lock voiced concern regarding the lack of information being brought forward to committee in relation to Section 106 obligations.  He acknowledged there had been a period of transition in the process but requested that an update report be brought to committee as soon as possible.


Councillor Andy Kendall requested an update and current position of the new pavilion at Yeovil Recreation Centre.  He acknowledged this may be in the form of a written briefing note rather than a presentation to committee.






Planning Appeals (For information only) pdf icon PDF 120 KB


Members noted the Planning Appeals.


Schedule of Planning Applications to be Determined by Committee pdf icon PDF 82 KB


Members noted the schedule of planning applications.



Planning Application 20/01087/FUL - The Park School Kingston Site Kingston Yeovil BA20 1DX pdf icon PDF 677 KB


Redevelopment of former Park School site consisting of the conversion of existing buildings to 7no dwellings, conversion of and works to the Grade II Listed Kingston House to 8no dwellings, erection of 30no. new dwellings, demolition of 3 existing school buildings and associated infrastructure, access enhancements, landscaping and all associated works.


The Principal Planner presented the application as outlined in the agenda report together with Planning Application 20/01088/LBC.  With the aid of slides she highlighted the application site, proposed plans and associated access.


She updated members to include:


·         Agent had confirmed that Stonewater Ltd will provide 31 affordable homes on the site. 

·         Friends of Sydney Gardens have re submitted their petition which has raised concerns regarding increase traffic around the site and at the Preston Road junction.


The Principal Planner also highlighted the key considerations and summarised why each were not significant to warrant refusal as follows:


·         Principle of Development – Brownfield site in sustainable location.

·         Highways and Parking – Site already benefits lawful use as a school and as such highways considered the traffic generated from this proposal would not cause a highways safety issue given the existing lawful use of the site and that parking deemed acceptable given the town centre location of the site.

·         Phosphates – As the applicant is a social housing provider, they are able to provide a phosphates solution through the introduction of water efficiency measures within their older housing stock.  Natural England felt this an acceptable scheme as deemed nutrient neutral.

·         Ecology – The Ecologist considers the proposals acceptable subject to the appropriate conditions and mitigation measures proposed.

·         Heritage – Conservation Specialist considers the public benefits of the proposal outweighs any harm to the Listed Building and character of the structures and respects the historic features, and that the proposed designs reflect the character of the conservation area and secures future viability of the site and buildings.

·         Residential Amenity – Believe the site is well contained with good screening and that the distance and proposed height of the buildings will not have any overbearing impact or loss of light to neighbouring properties.


She concluded that after considering all the responses and issues, as outlined in the agenda report, her proposal was to approve the application subject to the conditions as set out in the agenda report.


In response to questions from members, the Principal Planner and Lead Specialist advised:


·         Cladding of buildings will be controlled by the Building Regulations and have been updated to address these issues.

·         As the accesses are already considered in lawful use of the site as a school, the Highways Authority believe the proposal to be acceptable.

·         Clarified that the entrance and exit onto Kingston will only service the front end of the proposed site with the reminder being serviced from the Park with specified ‘in and ‘out’ entrances.

·         A traffic management plan would look to control any construction traffic with the understanding this would come off the Park and not via Kingston.

·         Confirmed that a full phosphate validation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Planning Application 20/01088/LBC - The Park School Kingston Site Kingston Yeovil BA20 1DX pdf icon PDF 431 KB


Listed Building Consent for the redevelopment of former Park School site consisting of the conversion of existing buildings to 7no dwellings, conversion of and works to the Grade II Listed Kingston House to 8no dwellings, demolition of 3 existing school buildings and associated infrastructure, access enhancements, landscaping and all associated works.


The Principal Planner presented the application as outlined in the agenda report together with Planning Application 20/01087/FUL. 


There being no debate it was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the officer recommendation as outlined in the agenda report.  On being put to the vote it was carried by 11 votes in favour and 2 against.




That Listed Building Consent be granted.


01.       The proposal by reason of its limited/informed intervention into the historic fabric of the listed building is considered to respect the historic and architectural interests of the building and is in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF Chapter 16 - Conserving and Enhancing Historic Environment and policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).




01.       The works hereby granted consent shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent.


            Reason:  As required by Section 16(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


            Location Plan 3968 -BB -SP-00-DR-A-001

            Site Layout 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-002 Rev J

            Listed Building Identification Plan 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-PL003

            Plots 1-8 First and Second Floor Plans Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-011 Rev B

            Plots 1-8 Ground Floor Plan Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-010 Rev C

            Plots 1-8 Elevations 02 Conversion 3968-BB-SP-DR-00-A013

            Plots 1-8 Elevations 01 Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-012

            Plots 1-8 Elevations 03 Conversion 3968-BB-SP-DR-00-A-046

            Plots 9-11 Floor Plans Conversion 3968 -BB-SP-00-DR-A-014 Rev A

            Plots 9-11 Elevations Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-015 Rev B

            Plots 13-14 Floor Plans Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-018 Rev A

            Plots 13-14 Elevations Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-019 Rev A

            Plots 37-38 Elevations Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-037

            Plots 37-38 Floor Plans Conversion 3968-BB-SP-00-DR-A-036


            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning



03.       No work shall be carried out to install any doors, windows, rooflights or boarding within the listed building and retained buildings to be converted unless details of the design, materials and external finish for all new doors, windows, boarding and openings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such approved details, once carried out shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason: To safeguard the significance of the heritage asset, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).

04.       The windows comprised in the conversion of the listed building and retained buildings to be converted shall be recessed in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority before any work to the windows is commenced.


            Reason: To safeguard the significance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Planning Application 22/01610/FUL - Preston School A Business And Enterprise Academy Monks Dale Yeovil Somerset BA21 3JD pdf icon PDF 446 KB


The construction of a new Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with perimeter fencing.


The Principal Planner presented the application as outlined in the agenda report and explained that the application was before committee due to the officer recommendation being contrary to the objection raised by Sport England.  She also clarified that should committee be minded to approve this application it will be referred to the Secretary of State, via the Planning Casework Unit.


She stated that Sport England had raised concern regarding the lack of community use and how finances will be put in place to monitor and maintain the facility.


With the aid of slides she then proceeded to highlighted the application site and proposed plans including:


·         Proposed AGP will allow for greater all year-round use.

·         Athletics track will be re located to top of the site but does not undermine any use of the other sports pitches.

·         Further letter of objection had been received raising concern that AGP can get very hot in the summer months and that such surfaces can cause more injuries therefore a concern for the children.


The Principal Planner also highlighted the key considerations and summarised why each were not significant to warrant refusal as follows:


·         Principle and Scale and Design – Already an existing grass pitch and therefore no technical change of use.  Acknowledge the objection raised by Sport England but consider the requirement for community use, longer use of the facilities and that no flood lighting is to be installed believe this will provide much benefit to the pupils and development of sport that outweigh any detriment caused by the loss.

·         Highways and Parking – Given the nature of use and with no floodlighting proposed for evening use do not consider there are any highway safety or parking issues.

·         Residential Amenity – Recognise a previous planning application submitted in 2014, that had been refused.  This however was located at a different site within the school, bounded by residential properties with proposed flood lighting and of much greater community use. The current application is much smaller and in a different location with conditions to be imposed for hours of use.  A further application would also need to be submitted for any future lighting on the site.


She concluded that after considering all the responses and issues, as outlined in the agenda report, the application be referred to the Secretary of State, via the Planning Casework Unit, with the recommendation that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the agenda report.


In response to questions from members, the Principal Planner and Lead Specialist advised:


·         Consider this is already a well screened boundary and that there is a need to be reasonable to impose an additional condition for additional boundary treatment, although can be conditioned if members felt there was a need.

·         Clarified the Sport England objection of the proposal given the lack of opportunity for community use.


A member of the public then spoke in objection to the application. Their  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Planning Application 19/03242/OUT - Land North Of Brimsmore Tintinhull Road Yeovil Somerset pdf icon PDF 520 KB


Outline application for the erection of up to 185 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system, and vehicular access point. All matters reserved except for means of access.


The Principal Planner presented the application as outlined in the agenda report and with the aid of slides highlighted the application site, proposed layout and associated access. This included:


·         Location of the proposed packaged treatment site.

·         Proposed access point with the Coppits Hill access point to be cut off, new access and 30 mph road and new footways proposed.

·         Location of the existing Listed building ‘Brimsmore House’.

·         Topography and boundary screening of the site.


She also updated members that:


·         The agent requested that the totals of Section 106 contributions offered be amended to ‘per dwelling’ which had been agreed as an acceptable amendment.

·         Clarified the site is no longer part of an emerging allocation due to the discontinued work on the new local plan.

·         Two additional objections had been received raising concerns about the use of Coppits Hill becoming a rat run and that ecological impacts are fully considered.


The Principal Planner also highlighted the key considerations and summarised why each were not significant to warrant refusal as follows:


·         Principle – Delivery of homes has stalled, that the Council cannot demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and detailed the presumption to grant sustainable development.

·         Highways – Following extensive discussion and the amended to provide the 30mph zone, the Highways Authority accept the proposal subject to traffic regulation orders to secure the 30mph limit and protect the new entrance. Noted works are due to take place at Coppits Hill under the Brimsmore key site development.

·         Setting of Listed Building and Landscape Impact – Consider the site to be well contained and as such the landscape impact would be limited.  Application is accompanied by a flood risk assessment and has demonstrated that surface water can be managed and secured through a planning condition.

·         Phosphates – Proposed on site waste water treatment works and on site wetlands system considered acceptable.


She concluded that after considering all the responses and issues, as outlined in the agenda report, the application be approved with conditions, as set out in the agenda report.


In response to questions from members, the Principal Planner and Lead Specialist advised:

·         A construction management plan would need to be submitted under reserve matters to secure any construction traffic concerns and access to the site.

·         There are no Rights of Way on the site.

·         Explained in detail the phosphates solution on the site and the management of such works and confirmed the LLFA were happy with the scheme and management of the surface water drainage.

·         The Environment Agency will agree the waste treatment plant at detailed consent stage, however if this is not agreed an alternative solution would need to be submitted before any development could take place.

·         Confirmed that the water treatment plant would need to be functioning before the first house was built.

·         Confirmed there has been no discussion regarding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.