Meeting attendance
Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 10.00 am, Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
Venue: John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE
Contact: Democratic Services on (01823) 357628 or email:
Attendee | Role | Attendance | Attendance comment |
Councillor Leigh Redman | Chair | Present | |
Councillor Evie Potts-Jones | Vice-Chair | Present | |
Councillor Jason Baker | Committee Member | Absent | |
Councillor Simon Carswell | Committee Member | Apologies | |
Councillor Peter Clayton | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Andy Hadley | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Pauline Ham | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Alistair Hendry | Committee Member | Absent | |
Councillor Henry Hobhouse | Substitute | Present as substitute | |
Councillor John Hunt | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Marcus Kravis | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Martin Lovell | Committee Member | Apologies, sent representative | Substituted by Councillor Henry Hobhouse |
Councillor Frances Nicholson | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Jeny Snell | Committee Member | Present | |
Ruth Hobbs School Governor Representative (voting on education matters) | Co-Optee | Present, as expected, virtual | |
The Revd Tobie Osmond Church of England Diocesean Representative (voting on education matters) | Co-Optee | Present | |
Jo Simons Schools Forum Representative (voting on education matters) | Co-Optee | Apologies | |
Councillor Heather Shearer | Guest | In attendance | |
Councillor Andy Kendall | Guest | In attendance, virtual | |
Councillor Sarah Wakefield | Guest | In attendance, virtual |