Forthcoming decisions

Use the below search options to find information regarding forthcoming decisions that will be taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Forthcoming decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Devolution of Markets Operations, Rights and Charters in East Area19/12/2024For Determination29/01/2025 FP/24/12/13
Devolution of Assets and Services to Wells City Council30/05/2024For Determination29/01/2025 FP/24/05/24
Procure Communal Cleaning Contract10/09/2024For Determination29/01/2025 FP/24/09/06
Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund spend commitment - Project Two: Call for sites for land/nature-based solutions29/11/2024For DeterminationNot before 29/12/2024 FP/24/11/18