Issue - decisions


27/09/2024 - Motion

Councillor David Fothergill proposed the recommendations, which were seconded by Councillor John Hunt.


Having been duly proposed and seconded, the Council RESOLVED to:-

·       Send a letter from Councillor Bill Revans, Council Leader, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, calling on the Government to postpone cutting the Winter Fuel Allowance and for an impact assessment to be undertaken.

·       Commit the Council to signing the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK and write to all members offering them the opportunity to sign the petition themselves.

·       Encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in Somerset were supported in claiming their entitlement.

·       Work with our Voluntary Charity Faith and Social Enterprise (VCSFE) partners to ensure that a substantial proportion of the Household Support Fund available from 1st October 2024 until 31st March 2025 was spent, awarded and utilised to help people in Somerset who were struggling with fuel poverty.