Committee details
Local Community Network - Wellington and Wiveliscombe
Purpose of committee
To view more information about the Local Community Networks, please return to the main Council Website.
- Councillor Marcus Barr
- Councillor Andrew Govier
- Councillor Ross Henley
- Councillor Dave Mansell
- Councillor Sarah Wakefield
- Councillor Gwil Wren
- Ashbrittle Parish Council
- Bathealton Parish Council
- Bradford on Tone Parish Council
- Chipstable Parish Council
- Fitzhead Parish Council
- Halse Parish Council
- Langford Budville Parish Council
- Milverton Parish Council
- Nynehead Parish Council
- Oake Parish Council
- Sampford Arundel Parish Council
- Stawley Parish Council
- Wellington Town Council
- Wellington Without Parish Council
- West Buckland Parish Council
- Wiveliscombe Town Council
Contact information
Support officer: Wellington and Wiveliscombe LCN Team Email: