Committee details
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Purpose of committee
A regulatory Committee of the Council established to be responsible for the discharge of the Council’s licensing, certification and registration functionsunder the Licensing Act 2003, Gambling Act 2005 and s.101 Local Government Act 1972 and any of the “relevant statutory provisions” within the meaning of Part 1 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on
- Councillor Simon Carswell (Chair)
- Councillor Marcus Kravis (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Peter Clayton
- Councillor Simon Coles
- Councillor Hugh Davies
- Councillor Lance Duddridge
- Councillor Tony Lock
- Councillor Martin Lovell
- Councillor Mike Murphy
- Councillor Connor Payne
- Councillor Tom Power
- Councillor Tony Robbins
- Councillor Brian Smedley
- Councillor Andy Soughton
- Councillor Leigh Redman (Substitute)
- Claire Dicken (Secretary)
Contact information
Support officer: Democratic Services: Email: