Agenda item

Planning Application 2024/0511/FUL - 22 Frome Road, Beckington, Frome, Somerset

To consider an application for the erection of a single dwelling and associated works.


That planning application 2024/0511/FUL be REFUSED contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, as the size, style, scale and design of the scheme was detrimental to the character and appearance of the area generally and the setting of neighbouring listed buildings within the locality of the application site. Harm  to the amenity of the occupiers of the neighbouring property at number 18 in terms of their enjoyment of their garden was also identified. The harms identified were considered to be significant and demonstrable.


Votes – 7 for, 4 against, 2 abstentions



The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the recommendation of the Planning Officer for approval was contrary to that of the Parish Council, which did not support the application.


The Officer’s Report continued that revised plans had been received during the life of the application which reduced the size of the first floor level following comments from the Conservation Officer. Revisions to the access were also submitted following comments from Highways. These revisions provided greater width at the access point with Frome Road to allow vehicles to pass.


The concerns of the Parish Council included the design was out of character with the conservation area and nearby listed buildings, the potential impact on wildlife, and overlooking into a neighbouring garden. There had been 6 letters of objection from local residents.


After a full assessment, the Officer’s Report stated that it was not considered that the redevelopment of this site would result in harm to the setting Conservation Area or the nearby listed buildings. Also given the design, scale, massing, and siting of the proposed development the proposal would not cause significant harm to the amenities of any occupiers or adjacent occupiers through loss of light, overshadowing, overbearing impact, loss of privacy, noise, odour, traffic, or other disturbance. The recommendation was therefore for approval.


The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.


There were two speakers in objection to the application including the Parish Council. Their main points were:


·       Loss of privacy and overlooking into the garden of the adjacent property.

·       The proposed planting scheme to screen the overlooking will diminish the amount of sunlight in the neighbouring garden.

·       The proposal would compromise the one house deep character of Frome Road.

·       Neighbouring grade 2 listed buildings will be impacted.

·       The modern style is inappropriate in the conservation area.

·       There will be an impact on wildlife as habitat is a home for grass snakes, adders and slow worms.

·       Parking and traffic congestion is likely, particularly at school-run times.

The agent for the applicant was then invited to speak. Her main points were:


·       Site is within the development boundary of Beckington and is a highly sustainable location.

·       As there is a lack of five-year housing land supply, significant weight should be given to new housing applications.

·       The dwelling will not be visible from the public realm and is a high quality, contemporary development.

·       The tall boundary wall separates the site from adjacent listed buildings and the character and appearance of the conservation area is preserved.

·       The dwelling will be set sufficiently away from number 18 so no significant overlooking will occur in this property’s garden.

In the discussion which followed Members made the following comments:


·       The proposal is too big. There is a need to provide homes to enable people to stay in their communities, but infill sites should be limited in size.

·       There would still be overlooking into a substantial part of the neighbour’s garden.

·       The Conservation Officer was initially concerned about the impact on the setting of the Baptist Church.

·       Conservation areas should be respected. The proposal will have an impact on the listed buildings, the heritage area and the look of the conservation area.

·       Concerned about the potential harm to the wildlife population.

The Planning Officer reminded Members that when assessing the impact on the heritage asset, the technical consultee had not identified any significant harm. This is an important consideration due to the lack to our 5-year housing land supply problem so Members must identify significant and demonstrable harm.


Councillor Dawn Denton said that the amenity and occupiers of the neighbour’s garden at number 18 would be impacted and that the overall size, style and design was detrimental and harmful to the character and appearance of the area and to the listed buildings, and these were significant and demonstrable.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Dawn Denton and seconded by Councillor Bente Height to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote the proposal was carried  with 7 for, 4 against and 2 abstentions.




That planning application 2024/0511/FUL be REFUSED contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, as the size, style, scale and design of the scheme was detrimental to the character and appearance of the area generally and the setting of neighbouring listed buildings within the locality of the application site. Harm  to the amenity of the occupiers of the neighbouring property at number 18 in terms of their enjoyment of their garden was also identified. The harms identified were considered to be significant and demonstrable.


Votes – 7 for, 4 against, 2 abstentions


Supporting documents: