Agenda item

Planning Application 2023/1779/FUL - Land at Burcott House Farm, Pennybatch Lane, Burcott, Wells, Somerset

To consider an application for the change of use of land from Agricultural to Residential (Use Class C3), erection of 1no. dwelling and associated works


That planning application 2023/1779/FUL be DEFERRED for 2 months, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, to allow the applicant to submit additional information to determine if it could be considered favourably as an agricultural dwelling under DP13.


Votes – 10 for, 2 against, 1 abstention



The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the recommendation of the Planning Officer for refusal was contrary to that of the Parish Council, which supported the application.


The Parish Council were supportive as they felt the dwelling would not have an impact on visual amenity, there would be little passing traffic and it would provide accommodation for a 4th generation family to work on the farm.


The Officer’s Report continued that the application was outside the settlement limits in open countryside and was for the erection of a dwelling and garage. It went on to say that a previous outline application on the site was refused and dismissed at appeal. A further previous application had also been refused. This current application was the same as the previous one but sought to address the previous reasons for refusal. However, it was considered that the principle of a dwelling in this location did not accord with the development plan and the Officers recommendation was for refusal.


The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.


There were two speakers in support of the application. One from the Parish Council and the other was the applicant. Their main points were:


·       The dwelling wouldn’t be visible and would replace an area of land where agricultural  equipment is currently stored.

·       The site is within walking distance of bus stops and a community shop, café and pubs.

·       The nearest properties are between 50 and 200 metres away, so not in open countryside.

·       Living on the farm would enable the applicant to maintain the welfare of the animals when care could be needed throughout the night.

In the discussion which followed Members acknowledged the need and wishes of the applicant to live on the family farm and bring up his family there. They noted the reasons for refusal provided by the Planning Officer but considered that the site was close to other developments and farms generally are in open countryside out of necessity. They acknowledged previous reasons for refusal had largely been overcome. However, they were confused as to the reasons that an agricultural tie had not been applied for. The Planning Officer confirmed that it would be possible to defer the application and ask the applicant to re-submit it against policy DP13 to include an agricultural tie.


After a vote to approve the application, contrary to the Officer’s Recommendation was not carried, it was proposed by Councillor Susannah Hart and seconded by Councillor Nick Cottle to defer the application for 2 months, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, to allow the applicant to resubmit their application to include an agricultural tie.


On being put to the vote the proposal was approved unanimously.




That planning application 2023/1779/FUL be DEFERRED for 2 months, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, to allow the applicant to submit additional information to determine if it could be considered favourably as an agricultural dwelling under DP13.


Votes – 10 for, 2 against, 1 abstention


Supporting documents: