Agenda item
Asset and Service Devolution Framework
- Meeting of Executive, Monday, 15th January, 2024 10.00 am (Item 93.)
- View the background to item 93.
To consider the report.
Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:
a. Considered the overall approach to devolution set out in the report which reflects the draft Asset and Service Devolution Framework.
b. Agreed to adopt the draft Asset and Service Devolution Framework.
The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited the Lead Member for Transformation and Human Resources, Cllr Theo Butt Philip, to introduce the report.
Lead Member for Transformation and Human Resources, Cllr Theo Butt Philip, introduced the report highlighting: the importance of the devolution framework and the Councils commitment to work with communities to ensure increased local influence on assets and service devolution and that the Framework outlines the principles that the Council will work to, to support and achieve devolution where appropriate to do so; that by following the steps in the framework, Somerset Council are setting out principles and governance for devolution, helping to support continued service provision at a level appropriate for each Community in a controlled and transparent way; that the work to develop the framework began pre-Vesting Day and has continued in Somerset Council through a cross service working group and that the Council has had ongoing engagement with the City, Town and Parish Council sector about devolution and this has informed the proposed approach and co production; the continued work with Somerset communities to ensure awareness of evolution and to facilitate influence, contribution and participation tor taking on services and assets to the benefit of the local community;.
the financial emergency and the importance to work swiftly with our community leaders in the short term to resolve immediate issues; the significant work underway across the Council to develop a clear programme of devolution;
and the work of the partnership and localities team on the development of wider devolution programme with input and information from Council services and partners.
The Service Director - Partnerships and Localities, Sara Skirton, further added to the above points, highlighting; the work, on the framework pre vesting day the input and feedback received from partner organisations; the careful consideration given to whether the draft Framework was still relevant and likely to fit for purpose in the current context, acknowledging the financial emergency and the importance to be agile and proportionate in discussions regarding service devolution; Noting the significant work that has gone into the development of the Framework, with input from subject matter experts from a range of services and stakeholders, along with the need to ensure that devolution activity is well managed; that the Corporate and Resources Scrutiny Committee considered the draft Devolution Framework on 5 December 2023, with discussion and comments focused on the level of information. The city, town and parishes were waiting for or expecting to be able to decide what they could support with and the ongoing work.
The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited comments from other Members present, questions and points raised included: sustained quality of services, the expectation for a process, discussion and collaboration to ensure resilience and sustainability of devolved services including the ability of smaller parishes to respond and what that might mean for equality of service provision across Somerset; contribution, management and funding of large facilities used by multiple areas, including shorter and longer term need and the asset disposal policy to be taken into consideration within the devolution discussion. the devolution concerns of smaller Parish Councils and the potential to group together for funding and shared services and how the Council can aid in facilitating discussion of this; the importance of volunteers in the sector; and the variety of approach to devolution from City, Town and Parish Councils and potential changes to the approach once detailed figures are available, and that devolution of services and assets is not a one size fits all model.
The Executive proceeded to vote on the recommendations, which were agreed unanimously.???
Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:????
a. Considered the overall approach to devolution set out in the report which reflects the draft Asset and Service Devolution Framework.
b. Agreed to adopt the draft Asset and Service Devolution Framework.
ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report.??
REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report.?
Supporting documents:
Asset and or Service Devolution Framework - covering report, item 93.
PDF 144 KB
Appendix - Draft Framework for Devolution, item 93.
PDF 424 KB