Agenda item
Somerset approach to reducing smoking and youth vaping
To receive PowerPoint presentation.
Attached for reference, is information on Somerset smokefree pathways and local picture (see pages 71 – 72).
This item will be led by Kate Anderson, Service Manager, Public Health and Rachel Handley, Consultant in Public Health will also be attending.
Note – the Chair will allow 45 minutes for this agenda item.
The Committee received a presentation from Public Health Team and engaged in discussions and debate of the points raised. The presentation raised several important and informative points.
The Committee agreed a recommendation that they wished to present to The Executive.
The Committee agreed unanimously that we would write to The Executive in relation to Electronic cigarettes:-
1. The Committee asked that the current government consultation (link to the consultation Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping: your views - Department of Health and Social Care ( be shared with all members who are encouraged to complete and promote locally in their divisions.
2. The Committee asked that licensing committee be asked to review and action stronger enforcement of the sale of these devices in line with the current legal position.
3. The Committee asked that the ‘Quit tool not cool tool’ slogan, as highlighted by the presentation be supported and promoted in the council.
4. The Committee requested that Council take a position with regard to seeking government to work at increasing legislation around electronic cigarettes, that included but not conclusive:- a ban of the use of single use devices with exception of use to support stopping smoking, a ban on child targeting (advertising and packaging), an introduction of plain packaging that would include a health warning, an introduction of an increasing age ban on sales of these devices in line with the change made to cigarette sales.
The Committee received a presentation from Kate Anderson Service Manager, Public Health and Rachel Handley, Consultant in Public Health on the Somerset approach to reducing smoking and youth vaping.
In the presentation they highlighted:
· The Somerset, local approach to vaping is around preventing uptake of smoking or vaping – only use vapes to quit smoking – support to be smoke and vape free.
· Referenced the schools offer, the Intent programme (smoking & vaping prevention programme) which is free to all secondary schools in Somerset.
· Referred to the national consultation which closes on 6 December 2023.
· Vaping is increasing but the majority of young people do not vape and it is not understood to be a gateway to substance misuse and vaping is a highly effective quit tool for adults (it’s a quit tool, not a cool tool’).
· The main local action is to continue to work with schools and young people to keep understanding local trends; Trading Standards to minimise access; continue to reduce the impact on the environment from smoking and vaping.
The Committee asked a number of questions and made a number of comments which were responded to at the meeting, as follows:
· What work is being done with retailers – ‘Think 21/25’ for example – as shops should not sell vapes to under 18’s – are doing work with schools; also encourage reporting if shops do sell to underage young people. Is illegal to sell to under 18’s but it is not illegal to ‘give’ them away. Referred again to the national consultation.
· Feel that the comment ‘majority of young people don’t vape’ is misleading and there is no data here that does not indicate leads to substance misuse – there is more evidence nationally and referred to school survey , 11-year-olds upwards – seeing significant drop in young people smoking.
· Very interesting presentation – feel need for tough messages though – the fruit based vapes are most popular product and if limited this would have impact; also seeing non nicotine vapes on market now as well.
· Vaping when driving is dangerous and need better health warning on them - valid points. Mention about campaign in primary schools around being smoke/vape free in cars.
· Interesting that the majority of vapes sold are produced in China however China itself bans flavoured vapes.
· Real concerns about marketing of vapes to children & young people.
· The presentation raised several important and informative points.
The Committee thanked the presenters for the interesting and informative presentation and agreed a recommendation that they wished to present to the Executive.
The Committee agreed unanimously that it would write to the Executive in relation to Electronic cigarettes:-
1. The Committee asked that the current Government consultation (link to the consultation Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping: your views - Department of Health and Social Care ( be shared with all members who are encouraged to complete and promote locally in their divisions.
2. The Committee asked that the Licensing Committee be asked to review and action stronger enforcement of the sale of these devices in line with the current legal position.
3. The Committee asked that the ‘Quit tool not cool tool’ slogan, as highlighted by the presentation be supported and promoted in the Council.
4. The Committee requested that Council take a position with regard to seeking government to work at increasing legislation around electronic cigarettes, that included but not conclusive:- a ban of the use of single use devices with exception of use to support stopping smoking, a ban on child targeting (advertising and packaging), an introduction of plain packaging that would include a health warning, an introduction of an increasing age ban on sales of these devices in line with the change made to cigarette sales.
Supporting documents:
PowerPoint presentation, item 6.
Background information - Somerset smokefree pathways and local picture, item 6.
PDF 174 KB