Agenda item
Dentistry and children and young people's access to dentistry and child oral health improvement
To receive PowerPoint presentation. A position statement on child oral health improvement is also attached (see pages 33 – 37).
This item will be led by Sukeina Kassam, Deputy Director Primary Care and Matthew Mills, Head of Pharmacy, Optometry and Dentistry and Rachel Handley, Consultant in Public Health will also be attending.
Note – the Chair will allow 45 minutes for this agenda item.
The Committee received a presentation from NHS Somerset on the provision of NHS Dental Services in Somerset, and a position statement on child oral health improvement, provided by Public Health.
The Chair requested (a) a briefing be provided to cover the questions raised during discussions, around early years, sign-posting, primary care recovery plan, route for queries to be funnelled; (b) an update to the Committee on issues raised in 4 – 6 months.
Link to NHS dental statistical data information
The Committee welcomed and noted the update.
The Vice Chair welcomed the following to the meeting for this agenda item - Sukeina Kassam, Deputy Director Primary Care NHS Somerset, Matthew Mills, Head of Pharmacy, Optometry and Dentistry, NHS Somerset, Tessa Fielding, Programme Manager, NHS, Matthew Jerreat, Clinical Chair South West Local Dental Network and Rachel Handley, Consultant in Public Health.
The Committee received a detailed presentation from NHS Somerset on the provision of NHS Dental Services in Somerset, and also a position statement on child oral health improvement, provided by Public Health.
The Committee asked a number of questions and made a number of comments which were responded to at the meeting, as follows:
· Funding is allocated to commission sufficient access for ‘50% of the population’ – how is this calculated and is the unspent amount ringfenced – national position and the underspend is ringfenced and there are initiatives to use the funding / targeted work.
Reiterated that dentists are independent providers and hold contract with them – there is significant concern from stakeholders about access to NHS dental services as an increasing number of practices ceases providing NHS services. The amount dentists receive is also an issue. Also referred to the NHS dental statistical data information
· Question about targeted group re oral health in early years settings – use index of multiple deprivation, which includes issues of rurality.
· Question about supervised tooth brushing and capacity within schools to do this – working with school nurses - the details will be circulated (Public Health).
· Questions about the supervised toothbrushing programme; trial of child friendly dental practices and progress and outcomes; community dental services for ‘some homeless people’ and what this means – supervised toothbrushing targeted in areas of deprivation and involves training of staff and key oral health messages. There is a new provider across the county and the pilot was extended and are awaiting national evaluation. With regard to community dental services for homeless, is around stability of urgent care service essentially. Will provide linked appointments.
· Pleased that dental service is part of SEND service – collaborative – NHS 111 workforce deal with calls from desperate people and must have impact on them - highlighted the service development opportunities and prioritisation needed around access, oral health, and inequalities. Clinical triaging referenced – Somerset has contracted with Smile Dental Triage to support patients with advice and appointment booking for emergency / urgent dental treatment. This is accessed in Somerset by calling NHS 111 and following the options for dental care.
· Noted that the service is creating a webinar setting out the Service available which will be available to all in the West region.
In conclusion, the Vice Chair thanked the presenters for attending the meeting and requested that:
1. A briefing be provided to cover the questions raised during discussions, around early years, signposting, primary care recovery plan, route for queries to be funnelled;
2. An update Committee on issues raised come back to either a joint meeting or to the Adults & Health Committee, in 4 – 6 months.
The Committee welcomed and noted the update.
Supporting documents:
PowerPoint presentation, item 4.
PDF 646 KB
Position Statement Oral Health Improvement Service, item 4.
PDF 141 KB
Updated presentation given at meeting, item 4.
PDF 778 KB