Agenda item

Planning Application 06/23/00001 Ocean Holiday Park, South Road, Brean, TA8 2RD

To consider an application for the erection of two storey extensions to the West, South and North elevations, single storey extensions to the North elevation and change of use of existing accommodation, to create 4no. holiday accommodation units.




To Grant Permission, as per the officer recommendation detailed in the agenda report, and subject to conditions Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 of application 06/22/00002 and an additional condition to secure agreement of refuse storage area prior to occupation of holiday units. The wording of these conditions to be delegated to the Service Manager Planning North and agreed in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Planning Committee - North.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour)


The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a presentation.


The Committee were addressed by an objector to the application.  Their comments included:-

·         A new acoustic report was required because the one provided was now out of date, did not take account of tonal noise, failed to comply with current guidance and did not take into account properties and businesses to the north.

·         The locations of the kitchen’s extractor fan and ducting had changed since the application had originally been submitted.

·         The properties to the north and north-west had not been considered

·         The dormer windows overlooked properties to the north.

·         There were concerns over the lighting.

·         The changes made to the parking layout had resulted in the refuse bins being located by the northern fence and close to neighbouring properties.

The Committee were addressed by the Agent. Their comments included:

·         The owner had purchased the site in 2019 and removed 5 caravans in order to increase the parking which was now sufficient for a site of this size.

·         In 2020 they had applied for retrospective permission for the extractor fans

·         They wished to join the bar to the seating area and convert the 1st floor to 4 holiday units.

In response to questions from Members, the Planning Officer advised:

·         A previous application, with conditions, had already been agreed and this application was just for 4 additional accommodation units and the extension to the bar.

·         The parking was compliant with Highways’ standing advice.

·         Environmental Health had reviewed the noise assessments and had not raised any concerns

·         The refuse bins were a pre-existing issue but as there was clearly space within the red line of the plans their positioning could be conditioned.

·         The noise generated from the tourist accommodation was likely to be different to that from a bar.

·         There was a lighting scheme that was conditioned.

·         The dormer windows did not directly overlook any properties.

·         Conditions 3 to 7 of the previous application could be added to:

Ø  Ensure an acoustic fence to the northern boundary

Ø  Prohibit public address loudspeaker systems or amplified music in the outdoor areas

Ø  Condition the noise permitted within the indoor areas

Ø  Restrict the operating hours to the bar to 11.00 to 22.00 hours

Ø  Ensure there was signage to remind patrons that there were neighbouring properties.

Members acknowledged that they were only considering the amendments to the extant consent but felt that with the suggested strengthening of conditions it was appropriate to grant permission. It was proposed by Cllr A Bradford and seconded by Cllr G Slocombe to grant permission subject to the conditions in the Planning Officer’s recommendations together with conditions 3 to 7 of the previous application and an additional condition to control the siting of the refuse bins. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried unanimously.



That planning application 06/23/00001 for the erection of two storey extensions to the West, South and North elevations, single storey extensions to the North elevation and change of use of existing accommodation, to create 4no. holiday accommodation units at Ocean Holiday Park, South Road, Brean, Burnham On Sea, Somerset, TA8 2RD be APPROVED subject to conditions, as detailed in the agenda report, and subject to conditions Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 of application 06/22/00002 and an additional condition to secure agreement of refuse storage area prior to occupation of holiday units. The wording of these conditions to be delegated to the Service Manager Planning North and agreed in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Planning Committee - North.

Supporting documents: