Agenda item
Planning Application 2023/0516/ADV - Land on the South Side of Station Approach, Frome, Somerset
To consider Planning Application 2023/0516/ADV - Land On The South Side Of Station Approach, Frome. Somerset.
Erection of 1 No.48 Sheet Externally Illuminated Paper and Paste Advertising Display.
2023/0516/ADV RESOLVED
That planning application 2023/0516/ADV be REFUSED contrary to Officer’s recommendation due to the impact of the scheme on highway safety and visual amenity.
Votes – 6 in favour, 5 against, 1 abstention
Application for the Erection of 1 No.48 Sheet Externally Illuminated Paper and Paste Advertising Display.
The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee at the request of the Divisional Member. The Chair decided that the application should go to the Committee, due to the amount of public interest and concerns raised by the local Members.
The Report continued that the proposal sought advertisement consent to erect a 6m x 3m illuminated paper and paste advertising display. A previous application had been approved that allowed a digital board to be erected. This proposal was for a revised scheme following residents’ concerns regarding the digital board.
The Divisional Member objected to the revised scheme due to amenity, effect on the Conservation Area and highway safety. Frome Town Council appreciated the steps that the applicant had taken after listened to residents’ concerns and had no objection to the revised proposal of a paper and paste display. However, Frome Civic Society objected to the “gigantic, intrusive advertising board “for the following reasons:
- Vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian safety.
- Harm to the character of the Conservation area which extends along the oppositive side of the road.
There had been 5 letters of opposition from local residents for reasons of being detrimental to the character of the area, a distraction to highways users and an unnecessary use of energy.
After assessing the application, the Officer recommended approval with the standard advertisement conditions.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.
The Committee was addressed by a local resident who opposed the application. He made the following points:
- There had been a lot of public opposition to the digital billboard that had been approved by Mendip District Council in January 2023 due to safety and amenity concerns.
- This revised design would likely be vandalised and would become an eyesore and the first thing visitors to Frome would see when arriving by train.
- The billboard would be a distraction to road users and therefore the number of accidents would rise.
- The large billboard was not in keeping with the area which is currently trees and small directional signage.
- Encouraged Members to refuse the application based on the objections from a vast majority of Frome residents.
Divisional Member Shane Collins then spoke to the Committee. He opposed the application and made the following points:
- The location of the billboard would spoil the visual amenity of the entry point to Frome.
- The size of the billboard was far too large and inappropriate for its location.
- The unnecessary illumination would use too much valuable energy.
- The billboard is designed to attract attention therefore it is a danger to road users.
In the debate which followed, Members made the following points:
- Why is the billboard needed in that position?
- It may get vandalized and become an eyesore.
- Even if Members refused this application, the previous digital application had already been approved.
- The digital application had been approved by Planning Officer, not the Planning Committee. Local residents were infuriated and there was a petition of over 300 signatures.
- If approved there should be time limits applied to the illumination period.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Martin Dimmery and seconded by Councillor Dawn Denton to refuse the application, contrary to the Officer’s Recommendation, due to the impact on highway safety and visual amenity. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 6 votes in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention.
That planning application 2023/0516/ADV be REFUSED contrary to Officer’s recommendation due to the impact of the scheme on highway safety and visual amenity.
Votes – 6 in favour, 5 against, 1 abstention
Supporting documents:
Application 2023/0516/ADV - Land on South Side, Station Approach, Frome, item 55.
Planning Committee Maps 2023/0516/ADV, item 55.
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