Agenda item

Planning Application 2022/2076/OUT - Land at Tyning Hill, Faulkland, Somerset

To consider Planning Application 2022/2076/OUT - Land At 373487 154309, Tyning Hill to Faulkland, Faulkland, Radstock, Somerset.


Outline Planning Permission for 5no. residential dwellings with details of access and all other matters reserved.



2022/2076/OUT RESOLVED

That planning application 2022/2076/OUT be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Votes – 8 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention



Outline Planning Permission for 5no. residential dwellings with details of access and all other matters reserved.


The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the application site lay outside any development limits and the recommendation was for approval as a departure from the development plan.


The Report continued that the application sought outline planning permission for the principal of developing the site for 5 residential dwellings with all matters reserved, except for access. The application included an indicative site layout suggesting 3 x 4-bedroom detached dwellings and 2 x 3-bedroom detached dwellings, each with its own detached garage. Access was proposed to the five dwellings from the Greenway via four driveways. Two dwellings would have a shared driveway.


The Parish Council had recommended refusal for the following reasons:


·       Highway is unsuitable for additional traffic resulting in safety concerns

·       The junction of Tyning Hill and the A366 has poor visibility and high speeds

·       Visual impact on the existing properties


There were no objections from Environmental Protection Agency, Highways, Ecology, or the Tree Officer. However, Land Drainage had objected due to insufficient details regarding infiltration testing. There had also been 2 letters of objection from local residents and 1 neutral letter raising various points.


In conclusion, the Officer’s Report stated that whilst it was acknowledged that the development would be beyond the edge of the village, the application site could not be described as being in isolated open countryside. As the Council did not have a five-year housing land supply, the tilted balance of the NPPF applies – the houses would make a modest contribution to the housing in the district, there would be limited economic benefit during the construction period and the new residents may use local services and facilities. Any impacts arising from the application were not considered significant and would not outweigh the benefits. The recommendation was therefore for approval.


The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.

There were no one registered to speak about the application so the Chair opened up the debate to the Committee Members. The comments included:


  • The houses were too large and were not in keeping with the village.
  • The replacement hedgerow would take many years to establish so will affect the bat run.
  • The scheme was outside the development area.
  • Individual access for 3 of the 5 dwellings seemed too much.
  • There would be overshadowing of the houses behind the application site.
  • Preference would be for smaller, social housing on the site.


In response to Members comments, the Highways Officer stated that in this scenario with a small number of dwellings, the access arrangements were in keeping and were a feasible solution.


The Legal Advisor reminded Members about the tilted balance and that the scheme being outside the development limit was not a sustainable reason for refusal on its own.


Councillor Edric Hopps proposed to refuse, against the Officer’s Recommendation for reasons of overshadowing of the neighbouring properties and the scheme being outside the development limits. This was seconded by Councillor Bente Height. On reflection, Councillor Hobbs withdrew his proposal to refuse.


On being put to the vote, there were 4 votes in favour of refusal and 8 votes against. The proposal was not carried.


Councillor Heather Shearer then proposed to approve the application in accordance with Officer’s Recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Shane Collins. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 8 votes in favour, 3 votes against and 1 abstention.




That planning application 2022/2076/OUT be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Votes – 8 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention


Supporting documents: