Agenda item

Briefing by Resources and Corporate Services Executive Director

Members are asked to consider and comment on the briefing from the Corporate Services Executive Director.



Jason Vaughan, Executive Director for Resources and Corporate Services gave a short presentation detailing the work that the Audit Committee will do and what this committee would need to consider within their work programme. Mr Vaughan explained this would include Budget Monitoring, Revenues, Capital Housing Revenue Account, Financial Strategy, MTFP, Budget proposals, Payments Performance and Commercial Investments.

Members requested that budget monitoring should be an item on the agenda for this committee due to the risks involved and should use profiles for the budgets but it was highlighted that this year would be difficult do due to amalgamating 5 budgets into one, also some areas have not been profiled at present for example the Capital Programme.

It was also asked that commercial investments be looked at to see if they are ethical as this was previously undertaken by the Investment Board within the District Council, it was confirmed that there was no Investment Board set up currently, but it was being considered by the Executive as a sub-committee.

Members were also informed that performance and service delivery would be considered and would be reflected with the budgets with Members being reminded that the committee can request officers to attend if issues were being highlighted but these requests should be timely.

The committee were requested to note that all these issues would be considered when the work programme for the committee was being set and that it may need the time outside of the set committee meetings to explore issues/areas in greater detail with reports back to the committee or for briefings to be undertaken.