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Appointments Committee

This page lists the meetings for Appointments Committee.


Information about Appointments Committee

The Appointments Committee comprises a maximum of 5 Members including:

(a) The Leader of the Council (or their nominated representative)

(b) The Leader of the largest Opposition Group (or their nominated representative)

(c) Up to 3 other Members of the Council selected in accordance with the rules of political proportionality and including the relevant Lead Member.



(a) It is a statutory requirement that at least 1 member of an Appointments Committee must be a Member of the Executive.

(b) The Committee appoints its own Chair.

(c) All Members of the Committee must have up-to-date knowledge of and have received training in the areas of Recruitment and Equalities.

(d) The selection process must be conducted in accordance with the Council’s agreed Code of Practice


The Appointments Committee will:

(a) Interview all short-listed candidates and either

(b) Appoint a suitable candidate to the post; or

(c) In the case of the Chief Executive make a recommendation to the Full Council who must approve the proposed appointment before an offer of appointment is made; or

(d) Follow any other course of action decided upon by The Appointments Panel*.


*The Appointments Panel


The Panel comprises 3 members, the Leader of the Council, the Leader of the largest Opposition Group, and the Deputy Leader of the Council (or their nominated representatives) with any relevant Lead Members as consultees.


The Panel reviews the terms and conditions of employment relating to the post and where appropriate makes recommendations to the Chief Executive for any changes; decides the appointments process or other course of action; and appoints the Appointments Committee to undertake the appointments process. This review includes reviewing the job and person specifications, the means of advertisement and short-listing arrangements.

The Panel will then appoint an Appointments Committee.

The Panel can convene virtually or meet as required.