Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Team Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies received. |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee held on 14February 24 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: Councillors present at the meeting declared the following personal interests in their capacity as a Councillor of a Town or Parish Council or any other Local Authority:-
Councillor Dixie Darch also declared an interest as she had been involved in discussions relating to the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three-minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.
We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’. Minutes: Public Questions were received from: - · David Redgewell · David Stripp ·
Paul Towsend The questions and responses provided are attached to the minutes in Annex A |
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Review 2024 To review their Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) ready for submission to the Department for Transport. Additional documents:
Decision: Councillor Revans proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Richard Wilkins.
Having been duly proposed and
seconded, the Executive
Planning and Transport Policy
Sub-CommitteeRESOLVED to:
- a. Approved the
content of the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) attached
at Appendix A and the BSIP Overview Table attached at Appendix
B. b. Delegated authority to the Head of Transportation to: i. Make any
minor amendments required to the BSIP and BSIP overview table,
following the Transport and Planning Sub Committee, but prior to
publication and submission to the DfT providing the principles of
the proposals are not changed.
c.Agreed to the submission of the final BSIP 2024 and BSIP overview table to the DfT by 12th June 2024 and publication of the BSIP on the Somerset Council website. Minutes: The Service Manager for Transport Commissioning, Natasha Bates, introduced the report which detailed the review carried out on the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), which was due to be re-submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) by 12 June 2024.
The Sub-Committee discussed the report and the following points were raised:- · The plan needed to highlight the rurality of Somerset, in particularly on page 35 of the plan, where Somerset’s ambitions were highlighted. · Somerset had double the national average of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETS) where the BSIP could make a real difference. · Somerset had several households whose residents were without vehicles who relied upon the bus routes located near them. · Councillors agreed that it was an interesting document and showed the challenge faced by the public transport network in the area. · The document would be reported back to committee with the proposed amendments highlighted as tracked changes and officers would ensure it was distributed to members ahead of the meeting.
Resolved that the Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee agreed to:- a) Approve the content of the draft Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) attached at Appendix A and the BSIP Overview Table attached at Appendix B. b) Delegate authority to the Head of Transportation to: i. Make any minor amendments required to the BSIP and BSIP overview table, following the Transport and Planning Sub Committee, but prior to publication and submission to the DfT providing the principles of the proposals were not changed. ii. Finalise the content and approve the final design of the BSIP and BSIP overview table for submission to the DfT. c) Agree to the submission of the final BSIP 2024 and BSIP overview table to the DfT by 12th June 2024 and publication of the BSIP on the Somerset Council website. |
Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan to be Made To adopt the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan. Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Richard Wilkins.
Having been duly proposed and seconded, the
Executive Planning and
Transport Policy Sub-CommitteeRESOLVED to:- Minutes: The Senior Policy Planning Officer, Ann Rhodes, introduced the report which provided an update on the position following the referendum and that Somerset Council was required to formally make the Plan part of the development plan within eight weeks of the date on which the referendum has been held as a positive result was achieved.
The Sub-Committee discussed the report and the following points were raised:- · The Sub-Committee were pleased with the report and the proposed cycling routes to North Petherton.
Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Richard Wilkins. Due to the declaration of interest in this item Councillor Dixie Darch abstained from voting.
Resolved that the Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee agreed: a) That the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Development Plan was ‘made’ (adopted) as part of the statutory Development Plan and to be used in determining planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area which was the Parish of Kingston St Mary. |
Nexus Local Development Order To complete the review and ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the Local Development Order, with additional text stated in the report. Additional documents: Decision:
Councillor Richard Wilkins proposed the
recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Dixie Darch.
Having been duly proposed and seconded, the Planning
and Transport Policy Sub-CommitteeRESOLVED to:- in accordance with Condition 1 (a) of the LDO, subject to the additional text (highlighted in bold below).
a.The LDO and the terms within it will be active for a period of 15 years following the day of its adoption and will expire following this period. ? The LPA
will review progress with the LDO on the 5th anniversary of its
adoption to be able to fully reflect on the
Retain the LDO as it stands b) Retain but revise some elements; or c) Revoke and cancel the LDO ? Further to this first review, and on the assumption that the LPA has not determined to revoke and cancel the LDO as a result of the first review, the LPA shall, within 5 years of the first review, conduct a second review of the LDO following which the LPA shall determine whether to: a. Retain the LDO as it stands (or as it has previously been revised following the first review) for the remainder of the 15 year duration for the LDO as set by this Condition 1 b. Retain the LDO (whether as initially drawn or if revised following the first review then as revised) but revise some elements including the nature of the development which underpins it c. Revoke and cancel the LDO The second review of the LDO shall consider the on-going suitability of the development proposals in the LDO in planning terms. ? Development which has
beencommenced under the provisions of
the LDO · is revoked as a result of the first or second review; or · is revised as a result of the first or second review in a manner which renders the development as commenced incompatible with the LDO as revised; or · expires.
Minutes: The Principal Planning Policy Officer, James Holbrook, introduced the report which requested members to complete the review and ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the Local Development Order (LDO). It also proposed that the wording of Condition 1 was also amended to address some minor typographical errors and to insert an additional review period (second review) in order that the regeneration benefits of the LDO could be secured.
The Sub-Committee discussed the report and the following points were raised:- · Councillors agreed that the report provided a sensible approach to ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the LDO. · Councillors acknowledged the importance of noting the review in 5 years and the revision of the wording in Condition 1.
Councillor Richard Wilkins proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Dixie Darch.
Resolved that the Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committeeagreed to retain the LDO as it stood, in accordance with Condition 1 (a) of the LDO, subject to the additional text (highlighted in bold below). a) The LDO and the terms within it will be active for a period of 15 years following the day of its adoption and will expire following this period.
LPA will review progress with the LDO on the 5th anniversary of its
adoption to be able to fully reflect on the
Retain the LDO as it
stands b) Retain but revise some elements; or c) Revoke and cancel the LDO
Further to this first review, and on the assumption that the LPA has not determined to revoke and cancel the LDO as a result of the first review, the LPA shall, within 5 years of the first review, conduct a second review of the LDO following which the LPA shall determine whether to: a) Retain the LDO as it stands (or as it has previously been revised following the first review) for the remainder of the 15 year duration for the LDO as set by this Condition 1 b) Retain the LDO (whether as initially drawn or if revised following the first review then as revised) but revise some elements including the nature of the development which underpins it c) Revoke and cancel the LDO The second review of the LDO shall consider the on-going suitability of the development proposals in the LDO in planning terms.
which has beencommenced under the
provisions of the LDO · is revoked as a result of the first or second review; or · is revised as a result of the first or second review in a manner which renders the development as commenced incompatible with the LDO as revised; or · expires.
To note the Forward Plan. Minutes: The Head of Planning, Alison
Blom-Cooper, introduced the forward plan. · Local Transport Plan – draft for consultation · Outcome of the review on the Minerals Plan · Puriton Neighbourhood Plan to be Made · Mendip Local Plan Part II Site Allocations Review |