Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Broomfield Village Hall, Broomfield, Bridgwater TA5 2EQ

Contact: LCN Team Email: 

No. Item


Elect the Chair of the Local Community Network pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Chair. Either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network shall be a Somerset Council Councillor.


Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid.


To participate in the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair, as a core member of the LCN, you will need to be physically present at the meeting. (For more information please see Terms of Reference)



Cllr Norman Cavill advised that Stuart Haskins would like to step down as chair of the LCN.


Nominations for the position of Chair:

Cllr Phillip Spencer from North Petherton town council was nominated by Cllr Alan Bradford from Somerset Council, Cllr Dixie Darch from Somerset Council seconded this. Cllr Philip Spencer accepted the nomination.


The core membership voted in agreement; Cllr Philip Spencer was duly elected as chair of the Hestercombe LCN. 



Appoint the Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network

Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Vice-Chair.


Either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network shall be a

Somerset Council Councillor.


Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid.


To participate in the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair, as a core member of the LCN, you will need to be physically present at the meeting. (For more information please see Terms of Reference).



Philip invited nominations for Vice Chair.

Cllr Norman Cavill from Somerset Council was nominated by Cllr Dixie Darch, Cllr Alan Bradford seconded this. Cllr Norman Cavill accepted the nomination.


The core membership voted in agreement and Cllr Norman Cavill was duly elected as vice chair of the Hestercombe LCN. 



Consider the Annual Report on the Local Community Network's work in the last 12 months


The Hestercombe LCN Yearly Report is available to view on this link:-

Hestercombe Annual Report.pdf (


Overview of Highlights from LCNs across Somerset


The LCN link officers present provided an overview of the work of the LCNS across Somerset. More information is available in the slide pack which can be viewed here.


Consider the Priorities and areas of focus for the LCN for the next 12 months



a.    Reflections from previous speakers and discussions 
Continuation of the Highways and the Young people's working groups. 


b.    Are there topics / areas missing from the initial list? 
Discussion around active travel would be useful. 
Traffic calming. 
Input into the Local Plan. 
Reduce priorities.  
Climate and Environment should be at the heart of all work being produced.  
Flash flooding to be added to the flooding working group. 
Housing to be added for a deeper dive into all areas of this.  
Explore population data for the LCN (what does this mean for the area? What planning is required for the area?) 


c.    How can we find out more from residents? 
Contact local business to get their input. 
More communication from Micro providers – Wiveliscombe and Blackdown hills have group concerning help for people. (Can we find out more on this?) 
More information could be obtained from Parish surveys and combine the information for the LCN. 




Agree the schedule of meetings for the next 12 months


Thursday 19th September 2024 
Wednesday 22nd January 2025 

Thursday 13th March 2025 

Thursday 12th June 2025  


Venues to be confirmed.



Action Table - Log of action required


Actions table

Date asked



June 2024

If parishes wish to be more involved with FWAG please contact them directly.


June 2024

Reach out to businesses within all parishes, to get their concerns, and what they provide in the area.

Parishes, link officer, chair & vice chair

June 2024

Ask the micro providers leader to come to the next meeting to give an overview of what they do.


June 2024

Ask for Police to attend the LCN meeting.
