Meeting documents

SWT Executive
Tuesday, 28th January, 2020 6.15 pm

Venue: The John Meikle Room - The Deane House. View directions

Contact: Clare Rendell Email: 

No. Item




Declarations of Interest

    To receive and note any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or prejudicial or personal interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.


    (The personal interests of Councillors and Clerks of Somerset County Council, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.)



    Members present at the meeting declared the following personal interests in their capacity as a Councillor or Clerk of a County, Town or Parish Council or any other Local Authority:-



    Minute No.

    Description of Interest


    Action Taken

    Cllr C Booth

    All Items

    Wellington and Taunton Charter Trustee


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr N Cavill

    All Items

    West Monkton



    Cllr S Coles

    All Items

    SCC & Taunton Charter Trustee



    Cllr R Lees

    All Items

    Taunton Charter Trustee


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr L Lisgo

    All Items

    Taunton Charter Trustee



    Cllr J Lloyd

    All Items

    Wellington & Sampford Arundel



    Cllr P Pilkington

    All Items



    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr M Rigby

    All Items

    SCC & Bishops Lydeard


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr F Smith

    All Items

    Taunton Charter Trustee


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr F Smith-Roberts

    All Items

    Taunton Charter Trustee


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr B Weston

    All Items

    Taunton Charter Trustee



    Cllr L Whetlor

    All Items




    Cllr G Wren

    All Items

    Clerk to Milverton PC




    Councillor F Smith- Roberts further declared a personal interest on agenda item 5, Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Annual Fund Review, as the Chair of RAFT.

    Councillor P Pilkington further declared a personal interest on agenda item 5, Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Annual Fund Review, as he had used the West Somerset Advice Bureau.

    Councillor N Cavill further declared a personal interest on agenda item 9, Monkton Heathfield: Land south of Manor Farm, Langaller, Masterplan Framework and emerging SS1 Concept Masterplan, as he was a farm owner in the area being discussed.


Public Participation

    The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


    For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.



    Councillor Ian Aldridge presented his report on Agenda Item 5, Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Annual Review 2019/20, which gave information on the West Somerset Advice Bureau as he was the Outside Body Representative for that organisation.  His report had been distributed to the Executive prior to the meeting.


    Mr Peter Brown made the following statement on Agenda Item 9, Land South of Manor Farm, Langaller, Masterplan and Development Guide:-

    I am chair of a Joint Panel set up by the two Parish Councils most affected by Masterplan proposals for Monkton Heathfield;   West Monkton and Creech St Michael.  I had hoped that our first visit to this committee would have been in better circumstances…….. but we have serious reservations about the content of these masterplans and about the way in which we have been involved in the process to date.  The gist of our comments is to ask you to defer the public consultation until we have had chance to meet with Councillor Rigby to explain our concerns.

    The two parishes contain all of the Monkton Heathfield urban extension.     Given the scale of development both PCs are concerned about the implications of the urban extension on local roads.  Creech village sits on a well-known cut through between the A38 and A358 avoiding Junction 25; a minor road but it already carries as much traffic as the A378 main road to Langport, over 5000 vehicles per day.  West Monkton parish has serious concerns about how traffic will move through the new developments to businesses in other parts of the parish, the potential for rat running on nearby lanes and the positioning of bus gates.  Road safety is a major concern and off site works should be funded by Grampian conditions on any future planning approvals.

    The first phase of the urban extension MH1 has been built out and the experience of living there should be fully understood and taken on board, before any detailed decisions about design and layout are taken for Manor Farm and MH2.  We are not convinced that your officers and their consultants have understood the reality of living in a development like MH1.  Issues such as parking need to be carefully thought through.

    In summary our main concerns about the two master plans are

    Manor Farm.  See the map handed out.  While we accept the need for small industrial units at this location, uses allowed should be limited to B1 and B2.    B8 should not be permitted as this would lead to increased commercial traffic through Creech.  Also the suggested link between the proposed industrial area and Hyde Lane is not acceptable and must be removed before any wider consultation.  This proposal shows a distinct lack of common sense.  Hyde Lane contains a primary school, the surgery and the recreation ground and is being traffic calmed by SCC.  Just the sort of road you do not want to see an increase in business traffic on; particularly speeding vans.  One other very serious issue not addressed adequately  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98.


Monkton Heathfield: Land south of Manor Farm, Langaller, Masterplan Framework and emerging SS1 Concept Masterplan pdf icon PDF 337 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Planning and Transportation, Councillor Mike Rigby.


    The Land South of Manor Farm, Langaller is part of the Monkton Heathfield development area, allocated in the Core Strategy, Policy SS1.  The former TDBC resolved that the area, which was identified wholly for employment development in the Core Strategy, could be part developed for housing to address the likely shortfall in housing numbers in the Monkton Heathfield policy area and, guarantee delivery of the employment area.

    The planned development will deliver new housing including affordable housing contributing to the trajectory and supply in the town.  New local employment areas will be brought forward, together with open space.  Significant areas for tree planting are also identified.

    Additional documents:


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    a)    The draft Masterplan and Development Guide be published for stakeholder and statutory consultation; and

    b)    That, subject to there being no issues raised requiring substantive changes during the consultation, the Head Strategy and the Portfolio Holder for Planning be authorised to approve the document for Development Management decision making and to inform and guide pre-application discussions with prospective developers and landowners.


    During the discussion, the following points were made:-

    ·         Councillors were glad that this was a draft document and that more consultation would take place.  They wanted to ensure that the Parish Councils would know more about what was planned in the future.

    ·         Concern was raised on the opening of Hyde Lane.

    Officers understood the concern raised on ‘rat-running’, they had suggested a ban on the use of the lane to Heavy Goods Vehicle’s and commercial traffic.  Somerset County Council were committed to the inclusion of the District Council in the consultation.

    ·         Councillors highlighted that during MH1, the Parish Councils had been actively involved, hence the approach that had been taken at the meeting and the comments made during Public Question Time.

    ·         Concern was raised on the pedestrianisation of the link and that it could cause problems.

    ·         Councillors explained how the local farmers used the roads in the area and the high volume of farm traffic that used the roads to enable them to carry out their daily work.

    ·         The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that he would take on all the comments made at the meeting especially those about the restriction on commercial traffic on Hyde Lane.

    ·         The Leader thanked all the speakers for their comments and wanted to ensure that Parish Councils were involved and engaged in works in the future.


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    a)    The draft Masterplan and Development Guide be published for stakeholder and statutory consultation; and

    b)    That, subject to there being no issues raised requiring substantive changes during the consultation, the Head Strategy and the Portfolio Holder for Planning be authorised to approve the document for Development Management decision making and to inform and guide pre-application discussions with prospective developers and landowners.


Somerset West and Taunton Districtwide Design Guide pdf icon PDF 320 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Planning and Transportation, Councillor Mike Rigby.


    The purpose of the design guide is to seek a step change in the quality of new development in the District in support of adopted local plan policies. It aims to ensure that the significant level of housing growth needed in the District to meet future need is designed to create healthy, inclusive, sustainable places to live for everyone promoting a common approach to the main principles which underpin the various adopted Local Plans that are used for assessing planning applications.

    Additional documents:


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    1)    That the draft districtwide Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document be approved as the basis for a public consultation period of eight weeks;

    2)    That the outcome of the public consultation, including any appropriate suggested amendments, be reported back to the Executive as soon as possible with a view to seek approval to adopt the draft districtwide Design Guide as a Supplementary Planning Document;

    3)    That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to carry out any minor amendments of a drafting or similar nature necessary, prior to consulting on the draft Design Guide; and

    4)    That the creation and launch of a District-wide ‘Quality of Place’ award scheme be explored, which would be linked to the Somerset West and Taunton Districtwide Design Guide, and the Taunton Garden Town Vision, Design Charter and Checklist.


    During the discussion, the following points were made:-

    ·         Councillor were pleased to see that place-making had been included in the document which linked to other priorities.

    ·         Councillors found the document very educational and detailed especially on the look of buildings.

    ·         Councillors welcomed the document and that it would ensure that developments were well designed and included space for storage, for example storage for bins and bikes.

    ·         Councillors believed that the design guide would ensure that the town would have an identity and heritage.

    ·         Councillors stated that the document was essential and was a pillar in the Core Strategy.

    ·         Councillors stated that the document would empower the Planning Committee and commended it to the Executive.

    ·         Concern was raised on the location of electric car charging points within the document.

    Officers were in ongoing discussion with Somerset County Council about the location of the charging points and would feed the concerns back to them.

    ·         Concern was raised on the lack of climate change ambition.

    Officers confirmed that the document was governed by the National Planning Policy and that they could not set a local policy as it would not be held up at an appeal.

    ·         Councillors would like the document to acknowledge the natural character of an area.

    Officers suggested that the cues in the document should be made stronger about natural landscapes and the built environment.


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    1)    That the draft districtwide Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document be approved as the basis for a public consultation period of eight weeks;

    2)    That the outcome of the public consultation, including any appropriate suggested amendments, be reported back to the Executive as soon as possible with a view to seek approval to adopt the draft districtwide Design Guide as a Supplementary Planning Document;

    3)    That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to carry out any minor amendments of a drafting or similar nature necessary, prior to consulting on the draft Design Guide; and

    4)    That the creation and launch of a District-wide ‘Quality of Place’ award scheme be explored, which would be linked to the Somerset West and Taunton Districtwide Design Guide, and the Taunton Garden Town Vision, Design Charter and Checklist.


Taunton Garden Town Public Realm Guide pdf icon PDF 241 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Planning and Transportation, Councillor Mike Rigby.


    The purpose of the design guide is to seek a step change in the quality of the public realm and street works consistently in Taunton Garden Town in support of adopted local plan policies.  It aims to guide street works by the highways authority, developers, utility companies and their agents and contractors and will be used for determining planning applications and informing discussions with our statutory consultees. 

    Additional documents:


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    1)    That the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town be approved as the basis for key stakeholder consultation for a period of eight weeks;

    2)    That the outcome of the key stakeholder consultations, including any appropriate suggested amendments, be reported back to the Executive as soon as possible with a view to seek approval to adopt the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town a material consideration when determining planning applications and will inform discussions with our statutory consultees;

    3)    That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to carry out any minor amendments of a drafting or similar nature necessary, prior to consulting on the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town.


    During the discussion, the following points were made:-

    ·         Councillors were pleased to see yet another good set of design guidance.

    ·         Councillors welcomed the guide but suggested it needed to work alongside other strategies and guides especially those for transport.  The document was a good starting point.

    ·         The Leader welcomed the document and the Garden Town Vision.


    Resolved that the Executive approved:-

    1)    That the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town be approved as the basis for key stakeholder consultation for a period of eight weeks;

    2)    That the outcome of the key stakeholder consultations, including any appropriate suggested amendments, be reported back to the Executive as soon as possible with a view to seek approval to adopt the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town a material consideration when determining planning applications and will inform discussions with our statutory consultees;

    3)    That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to carry out any minor amendments of a drafting or similar nature necessary, prior to consulting on the draft Public Realm Design Guide for Taunton Garden Town.


Hinkley Point C Section 106 Tourism Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 317 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Asset Management & Economic Development, Councillor Marcus Kravis.


    The purpose of the report is to present to Council on what has been achieved in the first five years of delivering the Hinkley Tourism Strategy 2015-20 under Phase 1, 2 and 3 Action Plans.

    Additional documents:


    Executive recommended that Council approved:-

    1)    The Phase 4 Action Plan for delivery from March 2020 onward; and

    2)    The request for drawing down £635,594 of Hinkley Point C Section 106 allocations available for tourism to deliver the Phase 4 plan.


    During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

    ·         Councillors were delighted to learn more about the project.

    ·         Concern was raised on sections of the Steam Coast Trail.

    Officers gave more information on work to be done on improvements to the trail and to make it more cycle-friendly along the whole route.

    ·         Councillors stated that it was a good document and that a good legacy was being built by the biggest project in the district, Hinkley Point.

    ·         Councillors thanked officers for their presentation.


    Executive recommended that Council approved:-

    1)    The Phase 4 Action Plan for delivery from March 2020 onward; and

    2)    The request for drawing down £635,594 of Hinkley Point C Section 106 allocations available for tourism to deliver the Phase 4 plan.


Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Annual Fund Review pdf icon PDF 186 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Community, Councillor Chris Booth and Executive Councillor for Housing, Councillor Francesca Smith.


    The purpose of the report is to present the findings of the annual review of grants the Council awards to Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and Not for Profit organisations.

    Additional documents:


    Executive recommended that Full Council approved in relation to the VCS grants within the scope of the review:-

    1)    To continue funding VCS organisations at current levels for 2020/21 whilst the key points raised during the review detailed in this paper were addressed;

    2)    In June/July 2020 carried out a review of current areas of funding and set new funding objectives in line with the Councils corporate objectives and current needs within the community and report to the Scrutiny Committee in September 2020; and

    3)    During 2020/21 officers should work closely with all grant recipients to ensure targets were met and grants were offering value for money.

    Executive recommended that Full Council approved in relation to the Taunton and West Somerset Citizens Advice Organisations:-

    1)    To agree an additional allocation of £25000 within the Councils 2020/21 budget for a ‘one off’ grant in order to help maintain the Local Assistance Scheme and to provide staffing capacity to enable Citizens Advice Managers to engage with transformation related work;

    2)    To agree an additional allocation of £8000 within the Councils 2020/21 budget to enable the joint commissioning of a consultant to work alongside the Citizens Advice (CA) services;

    3)    To jointly commission (with other District Councils and Somerset County Council) a consultant to work with the CAs to explore different operating models, transformation of service delivery, use of technology and interventions to reduce service demand;

    4)    To undertake a comprehensive review of SWT financial support for CA services during Summer/Autumn 2020 following receipt of the consultant’s report; and

    5)    To work proactively with Citizens Advice Taunton (CAT) and West Somerset Advice (WSA) to explore suitable accommodation options.


    During the discussion, the following points were made:-

    ·         Councillors spoke on the amazing work carried out by the Advice Bureaus and the support they gave to the customers across the whole district.

    ·         The Leader was proud of the work that the Council achieved with its grants and wanted to ensure that the funds were given to those that it would impact positively and help the majority that it could.

    ·         Councillors believed that every organisation that received funds, gave value for money.

    ·         Councillors suggested match funding, as it was important that groups needed to be sustainable.

    ·         Concern was raised on the consultancy process being used and whether the Council was comfortable that there would be no legal challenge.

    Officers advised that other Councils have had to revise the funding that they issued to organisations and that there were many options that could have been undertaken but they felt that a review was the best way forward and had involved consultants to undertake the work and that they would include the other districts in the area.

    ·         Councillors were disappointed that Somerset County Council had cut their grants to the Advice Bureaus and that had made the work Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) did with grants more difficult.

    ·         Councillors queried that West Somerset Advice Bureau (WSAB) was moving premises and whether the Taunton Citizen Advice Bureau (TCAB) was in the best location.

    Officers advised that the TCAB was in ongoing discussions with SWT’s Asset Team but that the configuration arrangements needed to be looked at.

    ·         Councillors wanted assurance that the Advice Bureaus wanted help from the consultants and that they were not there to tell the Advice Bureau how to work.

    Officers gave clarification and assurance that the review was exploratory and that there was plenty of dialogue between SWT and the Advice Bureaus.  The Council had not forced the Advice Bureaus to be part of the wider network but they had seen the benefit of doing so.

    ·         Councillors believed that the working model of the Advice Bureaus needed to be relooked at and that the Citizen Advice Bureaus needed to carry out a nationwide review.

    The WSAB and TCAB had independent discussions on working together due to financial implications.


    Executive recommended that Full Council approved in relation to the VCS grants within the scope of the review:-

    1)    To continue funding VCS organisations at current levels for 2020/21 whilst the key points raised during the review detailed in this paper were addressed;

    2)    In June/July 2020 carried out a review of current areas of funding and set new funding objectives in line with the Councils corporate objectives and current needs within the community and report to the Scrutiny Committee in September 2020; and

    3)    During 2020/21 officers should work closely with all grant recipients to ensure targets were met and grants were offering value for money.

    Executive recommended that Full Council approved in relation to the Taunton and West Somerset Citizens Advice Organisations:-

    1)    To agree an additional allocation of £25000  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Somerset West and Taunton Prosperity/Economic Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 373 KB

    This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Asset Management and Economic Development, Councillor Marcus Kravis.


    The document Somerset West and Taunton’s "Prosperity and Economic Development Strategy", produced with the support of Deyton Bell consultants, is the first economic development strategy and framework for the new Council against which future interventions and business support and skills projects can be assessed, in terms of whether they address issues and market failure, build on existing activity, support and complement local and sub-regional stakeholder programmes or address evidenced gaps in the business support and skills landscape.

    Additional documents:


    Executive recommended that Full Council approved:-

    a)    That the Strategy should progress to the Full Council meeting for adoption, after which a detailed operational work plan would be agreed in consultation with the Portfolio Holder during March 2020 to progress during the financial year 2020-2021; and

    b)    To the development of targeted messaging and communications materials for the different audiences.


    During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

    ·         Councillors thanked officers for their work and gave further background on the work that had been carried out by the former Taunton Deane Borough Councillors.  They urged that the work needed to be carried out as soon as possible.

    The Portfolio Holder for Asset Management and Economic Development supported the comments made and wanted the work to be delivered as quickly as possible where it could be, but that it was a new council and administration, so it had taken extra time to compile the new Strategy.

    ·         Councillors were pleased with the content of the Strategy and queried how the Council moved forward with the document.

    ·         Councillors queried how councillors could be involved and submit feedback on the work.

    Officers advised that the Deyton Bell document was made up of suggestions and feedback and that it did not mean that all actions were viable, sensible or deliverable and that they were working with the Portfolio Holder and Chief Executive on those and welcomed comments from other Councillors.


    Executive recommended that Full Council approved:-

    a)    That the Strategy should progress to the Full Council meeting for adoption, after which a detailed operational work plan would be agreed in consultation with the Portfolio Holder during March 2020 to progress during the financial year 2020-2021; and

    b)    To the development of targeted messaging and communications materials for the different audiences.