Meeting documents

SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 19th April, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Luttrell Room - County Hall, Taunton

Contact: Lindsey Tawse on 01823 355059 or Email:  or Jamie Jackson on 01823 359040 or Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Minutes from the meeting held on 18 January 2018 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

The Board is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate.


Public Question Time

The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting.


Somerset Autism Strategy pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the report. 

Additional documents:


The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board considered the annual progress report and the supporting forward actions and agreed to:


·        Liaise with District Councils to consider housing need and provision in more detail at a future meeting. 



Mental Health Champions pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider the report.


The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to:


  • Acknowledge the value of The Mental Health Challenge and recognise that local authorities have a key role in improving mental health in their communities. 
  • Ask District Councils to consider adopting a Mental Health Champion when appropriate.
  • That the Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board, in accordance with the authority delegated to it by the County Council by unanimous decision on 29 November 2017, appoints the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board as the Mental Health Champion for adults, and the Chair of the Scrutiny for Policies Children and Families Committee to become Mental Health Champions for children and young people for the term of twelve months, when the scheme will be reviewed. 



Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board Draft Strategic Plan 2018_19 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To consider the report.

Additional documents:


The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to:

  • Note the contents of the paper alongside the draft 2018/19 Strategic Plan
  • Continue to promote adult safeguarding across the County Council and in commissioned services
  • Request that consideration be given to including a method of measuring performance in implementing the Plan.



Health and Care Integration - Home First Pilot pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider the report.

Additional documents:


The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to endorse the approach to the Home First discharge model and to support its continuation and exploring a health and social care funding solution for 2018/19.



Ofsted Inspection of Children's Services

To receive a verbal update.


It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting on 24 May 2018.


Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme.


The Board considered the work programme and agreed to add the following items:

·        Ofsted Inspection of Children’s Services (May)

·        Care Leavers update (May)

·        Empower Update (July)

·        Health & Care Strategy


Any other urgent items of business

The Chairman may raise any items of urgent business.