Meeting documents

SSDC Area East Committee
Wednesday, 8th March, 2017 9.00 am

Venue: Council Offices Churchfield Wincanton

Contact: Kelly Wheeler 01935 462038  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 8th February 2017.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 8th February, copies of which had been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies of absence received.


Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Council’s current Code of Conduct (as amended 26 February 2015), which includes all the provisions relating to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), personal and prejudicial interests, Members are asked to declare any DPI and also any personal interests (and whether or not such personal interests are also "prejudicial") in relation to any matter on the Agenda for this meeting. 

Members are reminded that they need to declare the fact that they are also a member of a County, Town or Parish Council as a Personal Interest.  Where you are also a member of Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council within South Somerset you must declare a prejudicial interest in any business on the agenda where there is a financial benefit or gain or advantage to Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council which would be at the cost or to the financial disadvantage of South Somerset District Council. 

Planning Applications Referred to the Regulation Committee

The following members of this Committee are also members of the Council’s Regulation Committee:

Councillors David Norris, Sarah Dyke, Tony Capozzoli and Nick Weeks.

Where planning applications are referred by this Committee to the Regulation Committee for determination, Members of the Regulation Committee can participate and vote on these items at the Area Committee and at Regulation Committee.  In these cases the Council’s decision-making process is not complete until the application is determined by the Regulation Committee.  Members of the Regulation Committee retain an open mind and will not finalise their position until the Regulation Committee.  They will also consider the matter at Regulation Committee as Members of that Committee and not as representatives of the Area Committee.


Councillors Mike Lewis and Anna Groskop, members of SCC (Somerset County Council), would only declare an interest in any business on the agenda where there was a financial benefit or gain or advantage to SCC which would be at the cost or to the financial disadvantage to SSDC.


Public Participation at Committees

a)     Questions/comments from members of the public

b)     Questions/comments from representatives of parish/town councils


Questions/Comments from members of the public


There were no questions or comments from members of the public present.


However, the Assistant Director (Communities) advised members that she has received a letter from Lilian Elson representing the Holton Heritage Trust in which she apologised for being unable to attend the meeting and provided comments which related to agenda item 10 (Streetscene Services). The Assistant Director (Communities) advised that she would summarise the letter in more detail during the discussion of agenda item 10.


Questions/Comments from members of parish/town councils


There were no comments from member of the parish/town councils present.


Members discussed whether it would be useful for the Committee to formally comment on the plans to duel a section of the A303, however it was further suggested that as the plans were still at public consultation stage, it would be more appropriate to comment on the preferred option at the completion of the public consultation.


Members suggested an amendment to the agenda format, to include an opportunity for members to raise concerns and issues of a more urgent matter which they felt could not be addressed at the following meeting of the Committee. Members agreed suggested an addition to the agenda to allow members to ask questions or to make comments, as members of the public and parish/town council representatives are given. It was agreed that this would be amended on future agendas.


Reports from Members Representing the District Council on Outside Organisations


The Chairman informed members that he had attended a Drainage Board meeting where there are a number of concerns over the Somerset Rivers Authority at this meeting.


Date of Next Meeting

Members are asked to note that the next scheduled meeting of the committee will be at the Council Offices, Churchfield, Wincanton on Wednesday 12th April at 9.00am.


Members noted that the next scheduled meeting of the Area East Committee would be held on Wednesday 12th April 2017 at The Council Offices, Churchfield, Wincanton at 9am.


Chairman Announcements


The Chairman made no announcements.


Welfare Advice Work in South Somerset pdf icon PDF 189 KB


The Welfare Advice Team Leader addressed the committee to summarise her report which provided details for financial year 2015/16.


She informed members that clients are referred from many different sources and that the total figure secured for clients in Welfare Benefit payments is over 15 times more than the cost of the service.


She advised members that she anticipated that the figures would increase further as decisions are made on existing caseload.


Universal Credit is due to be fully rolled out across the whole of South Somerset in April. She pointed out that the Revenues and Benefit team would be providing digital support and that Citizens Advice South Somerset would deliver financial advice and support.


She responded to members questions.


RESOLVED:  that members noted the report.


Local Housing Needs in Area East pdf icon PDF 70 KB


The Housing and Welfare Manager presented her report to members. She informed members that there were over 8000 applicants on the Homefinder Somerset register and that approximately 2000 of these were in South Somerset. She further advised that the number of applicants in gold band has decreased significantly as these applicants are now looking to downsize due to a change in policy.


She summarised the figures in table 2 which showed the applicants first choice of location for housing and explained that the demand was higher in larger villages or towns. She further advised that there was a high demand for one bedroom properties.


She responded to questions from members.


RESOLVED: that members noted the report.


Report for Area East Committee on the Performance of the Streetscene Service pdf icon PDF 398 KB


The Streetscene Manager presented his report to members. He explained to members that it had been a successful year and that the team had achieved a good level of control over weeds, which is often a contentious issue.


He advised members that he had looked at ways to use non-chemical ways of treating weeds, but that this was not a viable option. In response to the concern about chemical spraying in Holton, he agreed that he would liaise with the Holton Heritage Trust about a non-chemical alternative.


He advised members that the Christmas tree shredding had been well received by the public and that there had been a noticeable reduction in trees which had been fly-tipped in lay-bys and hedges.


However, he did inform members that the overall amount of fly tipping across the district had increased. It was suggested that this could be in line with changes to waste services which have included the need for vans and trailers to require a licence permit to enter Waste Recycling Centres.


During the discussion, the Streetscene Manager pointed out the notes contained within Appendix A were guidance notes only and that he would be happy to offer advice on health and safety issues when working on the highway.


He responded to questions from members.


RESOLVED:  that members noted the report.


The Growing Space, Wincanton - Request for funding towards establishing as an accredited training provider pdf icon PDF 114 KB


RESOLVED:    (1)   That a contribution of £5,000 from the Members’ Discretionary budget is made towards developing the Growing Space as an accredited training provider, on condition that the lottery funding is confirmed.

                          (2)   That the grant is paid in stages on receipt of an annual report and is used solely by The Growing Space for purposes set out in the report.


Reason:            To develop the scheme to provide accredited training which would be of benefit for local people and will help the organisation to become more financially sustainable


(Voting: Unanimous)


(Councillor Colin Winder declared a personal but non-prejudicial interest this item).


The Area Development Lead presented his report to members. He advised members that there was a correction to the agenda report. On page 24 of the agenda, under the heading ‘Financial Implications’, it should read that ‘a sum of £7,700 remains unallocated in the Members’ Discretionary Budget, which must be used within the current financial year’. It should also state that ‘If members support this proposal then a sum of £2,700 will remain unallocated in the Members’ Discretionary Budget’.


He explained to members that this was a request for contributions towards employing an education worker.


During the discussion, the Area Development Lead clarified that The Growing Space was a separate organisation/charity to The Balsam Centre and that no funding had been given by The Balsam Centre. It was suggested that members might like to see the accounts for the charity.


It was proposed and seconded that members agreed to make the £5,000 contribution to support The Growing Space project, however the second and third year funding would be paid on receipt of accounts and once lottery funding had been secured. The contribution would be made to The Growing Space only and not for use by The Balsam Centre.


On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED:    (1)   That a contribution of £5,000 from the Members’ Discretionary budget is made towards developing the Growing Space as an accredited training provider, on condition that the lottery funding is confirmed.


                          (2)   That the grant is paid in stages on receipt of an annual report and is used solely by The Growing Space for purposes set out in the report.


Reason:            To develop the scheme to provide accredited training which would be of benefit for local people and will help the organisation to become more financially sustainable


(Voting: unanimous)


The Lamp, Wincanton - Funding Contribution pdf icon PDF 98 KB


RESOLVED:  That members allocated up to £2,700 from the Members Discretionary Budget towards re-instating the traditional lamp column and plinth on the basis that this is a final contribution to the structure and Wincanton Town Council insure and maintain onward responsibility for the structure.


Reason:          Towards the re-instatement of the plinth and traditional lamp column in the Market Place, Wincanton 


(Voting: 8 in support, 2 against)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer presented her report to members. She explained that Wincanton Town Council would provide insurance cover for the structure once it had been re-instated and explained to members that there was an amendment to the report. On page 26 of the report under the ‘Financial Implications’ heading, it should read ’if members have supported the recommendations in the one previous report’, rather than ‘two previous reports’.


She responded to members questions. During the discussion, she explained that the damage was caused by people climbing on the structure and that Wincanton Town Council will insure and maintain the lamp. A member proposed that 50% of the funding should be provided, however this was not seconded.


It was proposed and seconded that the £2,700 contribution would be made as detailed in the officer report, however the word ‘assume’ would be replaced with ‘maintain’ in the officer recommendation.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 8 votes in support and 2 against.


RESOLVED:  that members allocated up to £2,700 from the Members Discretionary Budget towards re-instating the traditional lamp column and plinth on the basis that this is a final contribution to the structure and Wincanton Town Council insure and maintain onward responsibility for the structure.


Reason:          Towards the re-instatement of the plinth and traditional lamp column in the Market Place, Wincanton 


(Voting: 8 in support, 2 against)


Local Regeneration pdf icon PDF 203 KB


RESOLVED:  (1) That members re-affirmed £1,000 funding for the provision of ‘The Lime Room’ hot desk space

(2) That members re-allocated up to £2,000 funds originally intended to support creative art work/show room space in Wincanton to support two one off business events

(3) That members noted the findings of the Workspace Demand Study


Reason:          Towards the provision of The Lime Room and to support two business events/breakfasts


(Voting: 8 in support and 2 against)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer presented her report to members and introduced Ian Nockolds from Cognisant Research who had undertaken a Workspace Demand Study in Area East.


Ian Nockolds explained that he had contacted 2032 businesses, 955 of which were in Area East and 1077 were within a 5 mile ‘drive to work’ radius of Area East. He found that he had a good response from 20% applicable businesses.


He advised members that there had been growth over the last 12 months and that 40% of the businesses that took part in the study, anticipated that their turnover would increase over the next 12 months.


He pointed out that about 1 in 5 businesses are home based and that 8% of the resopndents consider their current accommodation unsuitable. It was his view that employers would find that ‘science park’ and more specialised business units would be the favourable type of accommodation for businesses to move into.


The Assistant Director (Communities) commented that this was a really useful study and that an economic forecast is being carried out district wide.


The Planning Policy Officer confirmed that a consultant would be looking at long-term economic growth across the Functional Economic Market Area, identifying jobs growth over the Early Review Local Plan Period (2014-2034) by employment sector and also a district-wide employment land needs assessment is being carried out to identify the quantum of employment land required by settlement up to 2034. This work is similar to the more detailed research been carried out by Ian Nockolds in Area East.


Members agreed that a workshop would be useful to discuss local business needs and issues of which the findings from this workshop could be passed to the Regeneration Board and the Income Generation Board.


It was proposed and seconded that the £1,000 fund would be re-affirmed towards the provision of ‘The Lime Room’ and that £2,000 would be re-allocated to support two one off business events. On being put to the vote, this was carried 8 votes in support, with 2 against.


RESOLVED:  (1) That members re-affirmed £1,000 funding for the provision of ‘The Lime Room’ hot desk space

(2) That members re-allocated up to £2,000 funds originally intended to support creative art work/show room space in Wincanton to support two one off business events

(3) That members noted the findings of the Workspace Demand Study


Reason:          Towards the provision of The Lime Room and to support two business events/breakfasts


(Voting: 8 in support and 2 against)


Area East Committee Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director (Communities) advised that the Local Information Centre report which had been delayed and did not appear on the March agenda, would be on the April agenda of the Area East Committee.


She advised that there would be a report on the May agenda on the Area Development Plan for the coming year and an overview of the spending of the year for members to consider.


It was suggested that a report which included the new rates and rateable values of business properties could be delivered to members in July. It was also suggested that as the LEP is changing, it would be useful to have this report later on in the year. 

RESOLVED: members noted the Area East Forward Plan.


Planning Appeals (For Information Only) pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Members noted the planning appeals which had been received, allowed or dismissed.


Schedule of Planning Applications to be Determined by Committee pdf icon PDF 77 KB


Members noted the schedule of planning applications to be determined by Committee.


16/04434/FUL - The Priory, Priorygate Court, Castle Cary pdf icon PDF 849 KB


Application Proposal: Refurbishment and conversion of St John's Priory (Formerly Florida House) to form 4 bed house, 3 no. 1 bed apts and 1 no. 2 bed apt. Conversion of existing coach house to form 2 no. 2 bed semi-detached houses, demolition of existing pool structure and construction of 2 bungalows as replacement, together with 3 no. detached houses to south of the Priory, and 2 no. 2 bed houses sited at the entrance to the Priory.


The Planning Officer presented his report to the Committee.


He advised that he had received an additional letter of support; however he felt that the letter had not raised any issues which had not already been raised.


He advised members that should the application be approved as recommended in his report, he proposed that an additional biodiversity condition be added to the approval.


Using a PowerPoint presentation, he provided images of the proposed plans and photographs of the site. He provided an image of the proposed block plan and pointed out the proposed additional dwellings as well as the proposed access, parking, bin storage areas and trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders.


He advised that the Conservation Officer considered that there would be no significant adverse impact on the listed building or the surrounding conservation area. He stated that the applicant had agreed to a phasing scheme which ensured that the refurbishment of the listed building would be completed before any of the additional dwellings could be occupied. This would be secured by a legal agreement.


He advised that the SSDC ecologist recommended that the application be approved, subject to detailed ecology conditions which were included within the agenda report and the additional proposed ecology condition and advised that the SCC Highways, the SSDC Tree Officer or the Somerset Waste Partnership had not raised an objection to the scheme.


He informed members that The Priory had suffered from damage and vandalism over the years and that the windows and doors had been boarded up. He also clarified that the area which he had referred to as the ‘village green’ is not allocated as a designated public open space in planning terms and this area and is within a gift from the applicant.


At the request of the Chairman, the Planning Officer clarified where the parking areas would be situated.


Mrs Joan Harfield, Mr Swan, Mrs Swan and Mr Chris Martin spoke in objection to the scheme. Their comments included;


·         The ‘village green’ is a valuable social asset for families and should remain so.

·         The rubbish bins should be stored at and collected from the properties that produce the rubbish and not from the area near to the ‘village green’ area.

·         The refurbishments of The Priory is supported.

·         The ‘Village Green’ has been maintained by The Residents Association and is well used as a social area by adults and children.

·         The rubbish should be stored within the grounds of The Priory.

·         The parking spaces provided should be closer to the proposed dwellings, within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 190.


16/04435/LBC - The Priory, Priorygate Court, Castle Cary pdf icon PDF 772 KB


Refurbishment and conversion of St John's Priory (Formerly Florida House) to form 4 bed house, 3 no. 1 bed apts and 1 no. 2 bed apt. Conversion of existing coach house to form 2 no. 2 bed semi-detached houses, demolition of existing pool structure and construction of 2 bungalows as replacement, together with 3 no. detached houses to south of the Priory, and 2 no. 2 bed houses sited at the entrance to the Priory


Following the discussion of agenda item 17, planning application 16/04434/FUL, it was proposed and seconded that the application be approved as per the officer recommendation.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 7 votes in support, with 3 abstentions.


RESOLVED:  that planning application 16/04435/LBC be approved as per the officer recommendation for the following reason;


01.       The proposal, by reason of its materials and design is considered to respect the historic and architectural interests of the building and is in accordance with policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan, and the provisions of the NPPF.


Subject to the following;


01.       The works hereby granted consent shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent.


            Reason:  As required by Section 16(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: BN1/182/P001/C, BN1/182/P002/B, BN1/182/P-003/B, BN1/182/P-004/B, BN1/182/P-005/A, BN1/182/P-006/B, BN1/182/P-007/A, BN1/182/P-008/C, BN1/182/P-009/C, BN1/182/P-010/B, BN1/182/P-011/A, BN1/182/P-013/A, BN1/182/SK-014/A, BN1/182/SK-015, BN1/182/P-017 received 21 December 2017, BN1/182/P-016/C, BN1/182/P-018/A, BN1/182/P-019/A (Refuse Distribution) received 10 January 2017, and BN1/182/P-019 (Main House Bat Mitigation) received 03 February 2017.


            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.       No work shall be carried out to the coach house until full details of any external works (including, but not exclusively, details of all external repair and alteration, covering works to windows, stonework, roofs and any additional vents/flues etc) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include the provision of samples where necessary and a sample panel of any new stonework. Once agreed the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the agreed details, unless written consent is given for any variation.     


            Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Policies EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


04.       No bat mitigation work shall be carried out to the principle priory building unless details of the bat entry points and associated separation partitions have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details, once approved, shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Policies EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


05.       No work shall be carried out to the exterior of the principle priory building unless a schedule of work has been submitted to and approved  ...  view the full minutes text for item 191.


17/00242/S73A - Land OS 0034 Bowden Lane, Henstridge pdf icon PDF 542 KB


Application to vary planning condition 3 of approval 15/02718/FUL to allow the developer a 25 year period from the date of first generation of the solar park and not from the date of the planning permission


The Planning Officer presented his report to members.  He explained that the application was to extend the period of operation to cover a period of 25 years from the date of first generation of electricity from the site.


Councillor William Wallace, Ward Member, offered his support to the application.


Following a short discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the application be approved as per the officer recommendation.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 7 votes in support and with 2 votes against.


RESOLVED:  that planning application 17/00242/S73A be approved as per the officers recommendation for the following reason;


01.       Notwithstanding local concerns it is considered that the benefits in terms of the provision of a renewable source of energy, which will make a valuable contribution towards cutting greenhouse gas emissions, outweigh the limited impact the proposal will have on the local landscape character. As such the proposal accords with the aims and objectives of Policies SD1, TA5, TA6, EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, EQ4 and EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Subject to the following;


01.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


·         Planning Layout Drg. No. 1253-0201-01 Issue 04;

·         Site Location Plan Drg. No. 1253-0200-05 Issue 01;

·         Construction Access and Cable Route Drg. No 1253-0201-05;

·         Proposed Compound Area Drg. No. 1253-0201-20 Issue 01;

·         CCTV Detail Drg. No. 1253-0204-00 Issue 01;

·         Steel and Timber Fencing Detail 22 degrees Panel Angle - Drg. No. 1253-0205-03 Issue 01;

·         Mounting System Detail Drg. No. 1253-0206-09 Issue 01;

·         Bowden Lane Inverter Station Detail SMA SC Drg. No. 1253-0207-14 Issue 01

·         Bowden Lane Satellite Mounting System Drg. No. 1253-0207-20 Issue 01

·         Spares Container Detail  Drg. No. 1253-0207-40 Issue 01;

·         SSE DNO Access Road Section - Drg. No. 1253-0208-10 Issue 01;

·         Private Switchgear - Drg. No. 1253-0208-54 Issue 01;

·         DNO Switchgear  Drg. No. 1253-0208-71 Issue 01;

·         Water main easement - Drg. No. 1253-0200-50 Issue 01;

·         Drg. No. 1510728 4 Module Quer ES120 1/ 2; and

·         Drg. No.1510728 4 Module Quer ES120 2 /2.


            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition before 31 March 2042, or within six months of the cessation of the use of the solar farm for the generation of electricity whichever is the sooner in accordance with a restoration plan to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The restoration plan will need to include all the works necessary to revert the site to open agricultural land including the removal of all structures,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 192.