Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services Email: 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions.



Councillor Kathy Pearce (Chair). Councillor Matthew Martin chaired the meeting.

Councillor Bob Filmer who was substituted by Diogo Rodrigues.

Councillor Alastair Hendry who was substituted by Lance Duddridge.


Minutes from the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on 13 August 2024.


Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee - North held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


It was resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee – North held on 13 August 2024, being proposed by Councillor Tony Grimes, and seconded by Councillor Alan Bradford, to be a true record of the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.


(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 )


The following Councillors declared an interest in applications on the agenda:


Councillor Tony Grimes declared an Other Registrable Interest in application 24/24/0004 as he was a Division Member for that application but had taken no part in any discussions.


Councillor Gill Slocombe declared an Other Registrable Interest as she was a Member of Bridgwater Town Council but was not on the planning committee and had not taken part in any meetings to do with planning.


Councillor Alan Bradford declared an Other Registrable Interest as he was a member of the Parrett Drainage Board.


Councillor Brian Bolt – declared an Other Registrable Interest in application 51/22/00018 as this was in his division but he had taken no part in any discussions.


Councillor Lance Duddridge declared an Other Registrable Interest as he was a member of the Parrett Drainage Board.


Councillor Hilary Bruce declared an Other Registrable Interest as she was a member of the Parrett Drainage Board.


Councillor Ben Fergusson – declared an Other Registrable Interest in application 17/22/00085 as this was in his division but he had taken no part in any discussions.


Councillor Pauline Ham arrived just before application 51/22/00018 was discussed, and declared that she had withdrawn her objection to the application and had not predetermined the application.


Public Question Time

The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker.


Requests to speak at the meeting at Public Question Time must be made to the Monitoring Officer in writing or by email to  by 5pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.



Details of public speaking are captured under the minutes of the appropriate application.


Planning Application 51/22/00018 Land at Model Farm, Waldrons Lane, Wembdon, Bridgwater, TA5 2BA pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To consider an application for the change of use of grounds/gardens, including the provision of a pond to be used for public visits, together with the retention of a covered pizza oven and pergola over a hot tub.


Resolved to grant permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report.



The committee were presented with the application by way of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the committee explaining that the application was for the change of use of grounds/gardens, including the provision of a pond to be used for public visits, together with the retention of a covered pizza oven and pergola over a hot tub at Model Farm in Wembdon.


She explained that the Wembdon Parish Council had objected to the application, namely, because of the long-term generation of traffic in the narrow Waldron’s Lane, and its effect on the hamlet of Perry Green.


The committee then heard from Mr. Garth Young, who represented the applicants who owned Model Farm.


Mr. Young confirmed that they received under two complaints a year and they had endeavoured to accommodate their neighbours by building a covered outside area with soundproofing.


He further pointed out that they had owned the property for 15 years and the gardens were now mature and would make a great addition to the local amenities for both tourists and residents. They were proposing to open the gardens to tourists and locals from Easter to October to swim and visit.


The Parish Council spoke to the committee confirming their objection and concern about the long-term generation of traffic in the narrow Waldron’s Lane, potential noise impacts and its effect on the hamlet of Perry Green.

It was confirmed that the gardens and pond would be open to the public between 10AM and 4PM between March and October and that the number of users of the pond would be restricted to 12.


It was further confirmed that Somerset Highways, after carrying out an assessment in respect of the national planning policy framework and Sedgemoor Local Plan, concluded, after agreeing with the officer’s traffic generation projections, that this would not severely impact the narrow lane.


Councillor Hillary Bruce proposed that permission be granted which was seconded by Councillor Gill Slocombe.




To grant permission subject to the Officer’s recommendations.




Planning Application 17/22/00085 Land to the West of Hollywood House, Hannay Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3BT pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider a hybrid application (outline and full). Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 4no. self-build dwellings. Full planning application for the erection of 2no. self-build dwellings and associated access.


Resolved to grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s report and condition no.14 being deleted as a duplicate.


Condition 16 to be amended to refer to plots 2 – 5.


An additional condition regarding the materials to be used.



The Planning Officer introduced the application to the committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The proposal sought hybrid consent, outline consent  with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 4no. self-build dwellings and full consent for the erection of 2no. self-build dwellings and associated access.


She updated the committee explaining that on the report, condition 14 was a duplication of condition 13 and this should be deleted in the event that permission is granted.


She further pointed out that condition 16 needed to be amended. Condition 16 referred to outline plots as plots 2-4 but it was actually plots 2-5.


Furthermore, reference to a material condition had been missed from the condition list and would need to be added.


The committee heard from the agent, who stated that the benefits of a self-build scheme were freedom to design and build houses that suited individual needs, for example, which may aide disabled or elderly needs and save costs and be more cost effective for energy efficiency and reduce long term utility costs.


Environmental health discussed controlling the external lighting and suggested conditions to illuminate the site only.


Councillor Pauline Ham declared that she had withdrawn her initial objection to the application.


Councillor Tony Grimes proposed to grant permission and this was seconded by Councillor Hillary Bruce.




To grant permission subject to condition 14 being deleted as duplicated. Condition 16 be amended to include Plots 2-5 and an additional condition regarding materials to be used.




Planning Application 24/24/00004 Land at Knoll Lodge, Church Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4HZ pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider an application for the demolition of two storey brickwork extension with tiled roof, demolition of single storey lean to with tiled roof and erection of conservatory to the rear (North) elevation with aluminium frames and rendered blockwork.


Resolved to grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s report.



The Planning Officer introduced her report to the committee and explained that this was a full planning application alongside a listed building consent for the demolition of a two storey brickwork extension with tiled roof, demolition of single storey lean to with tiled roof and erection of conservatory to the rear (North) elevation with aluminum frames and rendered blockwork.


The Planning Officer introduced a PowerPoint presentation.


Following discussion by the committee, which was largely positive about the proposals, Councillor Gill Slocombe proposed to grant permission and this was seconded by Councillor Tony Grimes.




To grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s report.





Planning Application 24/24/00005 Land at Knoll Lodge, Church Road, East Brent, Highbridge, TA9 4HZ pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider an application for the demolition of two storey brickwork extension with tiled roof, demolition of single storey lean to with tiled roof, erection of conservatory to the rear (North) elevation with aluminium frames and rendered blockwork.


Resolved to grant listed building consent subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report.



The Planning Officer presented her report with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation and explained that this application related to the previous one and was for listed building consent.


After discussion by the committee, which was largely positive about the proposals, Councillor Gill Slocombe proposed that the planning recommendation be granted and this was seconded by Councillor Tony Grimes.




To grant listed building consent subject to the conditions detailed with the Officer’s report.




Appeal Reports pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The committee noted the reports as detailed within the agenda for the Appeals Received and Appeal Decisions for August 2024.


The Area Manager (North and West) gave the Committee a commentary on the appeal decision relating to land west of A38, Pawlett Rd, Pawlett (ref 3303992). The appeal related to a proposal for up to 41 dwellings and a convenience store and had been allowed. He apologised for the fact that the decision had not been listed in the appeals report.