Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Hilary Bruce, Mike Murphy, Brian Smedley and Tony Grimes (substitute was Councillor Lance Duddridge). |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting. (The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: Councillors declared an interest as follows:
Councillors Bob Filmer and Alistair Hendry declared a n Other Registrable Interest as they are members of the Axe Brue Drainage Board but have taken no part in any discussions on planning applications.
Councillor Alan Bradford declared an Other Registrable Interest as he is a member of the Quantock Hills AONB but took no part in discussions on application 36/23/00011.
Councillors Gill Slocombe and Lance Duddridge declared a pre-determination in respect of Application 23/23/00010 as they had made comments.
Councillors Kathy Pearce and Gill Slocombe declared a Non-registrable interest as they were members of Bridgwater Town Council but had taken no part in discussions on Application 08/24/00027, Councillor Pearce was also the Division Member for this area.
Councillor Brian Bolt declared a Non-registrable interest on Application 36/23/00011 as he was the Division Member but had taken no part in discussions on this application.
Councillor Ben Ferguson declared a Non-registrable interest on Application 17/23/00037 as he was the Division Member but had taken no part in discussions on this application.
Councillor Pauline Ham declared a pre-determination on Application 17/23/00037 as she had taken part in discussions on this application.
Councillor Matt Martin declared a non-registrable interest in applications 01/23/00001 and 01/23/00002 as he had received communications as he was the Division member, however he was attending this meeting with an open mind and would make his decision after listening to all the discussion. He also declared the same interest in application 50/23/00069 as the application site was near to his own home but did not affect him in any way.
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker.
Requests to speak at the meeting at Public Question Time must be made to the Monitoring Officer in writing or by email to by 5pm on Wednesday 5 June 2024.
Minutes: There were no questions from the Public. |
To consider an application for the Erection of 58 dwellings (40% affordable units) with access, landscaping, parking, public open space and associated works. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: To Grant Permission subject to the applicant first entering into an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to secure the following: · 23 affordable housing units to address the need set out in the Nether Stowey Housing Needs Assessment to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with affordable housing officers · Secure the detail, provision and future management of the on-site public open space (including a LEAP and LAP), communal areas, paths and cycleways necessary for public permeability through the site to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with open spaces officers · a management plan for the attenuation basins. which shall incorporate the recommendations of a risk assessment to be provided as part of the plan · A landscaping environment management plan (LEMP) to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with the ecologist · A contribution of £23,036 towards the expansion of GP services provision at the Quantock Medical Centre to meet the needs arising from this development to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with the NHS Somerset LPA Engagement team; · A travel plan to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with highways officers
And that the Service Director – Governance, Democratic & Legal Services and Monitoring Officer be authorised to prepare and seal the Agreement; and to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report with the amendments as agreed at committee for Condition 7 relating to the trees and planting scheme.
Minutes: The planning officer introduced their report with the assistance of a power point presentation. There were a number of updates following the re-consultation and these included: NHS still required a contribution via the S106 agreement The Housing Enabling Officer supported the amendments as the changes still continued to deliver the required affordable housing with the integration between Market and Affordable, LLFA, National highways, Designing Out Crime and Natural England had no further comments or considered that the amendments would have any affect. There were 3 further letters of objection from 2 residents The officer also confirmed that Conditions 3 and 12 had wording amendments (as shown in dark on the agenda report) and that Condition 7 will also need amending to reflect the comments of the Landscaping Officer.
The agent then spoke in support of the application confirming that they had been sensitive to the listed building adjacent to the site and that the design of properties would blend with phase 1 and 2 and that the flats had been removed.
During discussion, members of the committee that had attended the site visit agreed that the removal of the flats was a positive step, that further landscaping was needed and had now been agreed. Further details was requested in respect of the LEAP and the attenuation ponds, it was confirmed that the LEAP and the ponds would be fenced for safety. Members were satisfied with the amendments and therefore Councillor Hendry proposed granting approval as per the officer`s recommendation subject to the amendments to the conditions as proposed by the planning officer, the S106 agreement and the conditions as detailed within the officer`s report; this was seconded by Councillor Bradford.
Resolved: To Grant Permission subject to the applicant first entering into an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to secure the following: · 23 affordable housing units to address the need set out in the Nether Stowey Housing Needs Assessment to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with affordable housing officers · Secure the detail, provision and future management of the on-site public open space (including a LEAP and LAP), communal areas, paths and cycleways necessary for public permeability through the site to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with open spaces officers · a management plan for the attenuation basins. which shall incorporate the recommendations of a risk assessment to be provided as part of the plan · A landscaping environment management plan (LEMP) to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with the ecologist · A contribution of £23,036 towards the expansion of GP services provision at the Quantock Medical Centre to meet the needs arising from this development to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with the NHS Somerset LPA Engagement team; · A travel plan to the satisfaction of the Service Manager (Development Management) in consultation with highways officers
And that the Service Director – Governance, Democratic & Legal Services ... view the full minutes text for item 115. |
To consider an application for the approval of reserved matters, for the erection of 45 dwellings, a car park, public open space and other associated infrastructure. Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Approval of Reserved Matters subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) Minutes: The planning officer introduced the application with the aid of a power point presentation. He explained that this was a reserved matters application following on from the outline application granted in June 2023 and had including a S106 agreement. This application would include the appearance, landscaping, affordable housing, open space, car park and associated site infrastructure.
The committee were addressed by a local resident who made comment relating to the drainage, maintenance and mitigating the risk of any flooding, also construction traffic to avoid school drop off times. The Parish Council representative referred to the timing of construction traffic, concerns with car parking and impact of works on older surrounding properties and that baseline checks should be undertaken with remedial works if needed. They also requested pelican crossings rather than pedestrian crossings. The agent who addressed the committee highlighted that the layout and appearance had been agreed, parameters set out and had worked with consultees and officers of the Council. The car park had been agreed for the school with it`s use will also be for local residents and amendments had been made with the design and layout after dialogue with the school.
The Planning Officer confirmed that issues that had been raised were covered through the outline application; drainage details had been submitted, hedgerow will be protected, further landscaping agreed along with an ecological plan. The crossing had been agreed via S106 agreement on the original application and the play area was satisfactory. Members were satisfied that the majority of issues had been dealt with and therefore Councillor Hendry proposed to grant permission and this was seconded by councillor Bradford.
To Grant Approval of Reserved Matters subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
To consider an application for the Variation of Condition 5 of Planning Permission Application No. 34/23/00007 (Proposed formation of a temporary material stockpile for reservoir embankment construction, erection of fencing and gates, siting of welfare unit, alterations to existing access with parking and turning area.) to amend previously submitted documentation, to allow for a change to the proposed access route. Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report and for the additional condition for the Construction Management Plan. Minutes: The planning Officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a power point presentation. she updated the committee to confirm that Pathe Road and the A361 would be the proposed route. The previous condition had detailed an incorrect access route and this application was to correct this error.
Councillor Slocombe prosed that the officer`s recommendation be approved subject to the additional condition and this was seconded by Councillor Bradford.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report and for the additional condition for the Construction Management Plan. (Unanimous) |
Planning application 01/23/00001 13 Bath Road, Ashcott, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9QS To consider a planning application for full planning permission for the Change of use from residential (C3) to school (D1) with provision for boarding, associated works for access and parking (revised scheme). Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report and subject to change in wording to Conditions 5 – 8 to state within 3 months of the decision. (Unanimous) Minutes: The Planning Officer introduced this application with the assistance of a power point presentation, they also spoke on Application 01/23/00002 for the Listed Building consent required. It was explained that Conditions 5 to 8 would need to be amended to commence within 3 months of any permission as the application is part-retrospective.
The agent spoke to the committee and explained that the listed building work was being overseen by a Conservation Officer and that the front access due to sight lines and that there were fewer traffic movements as this property would be for boarders.
The committee supported the application and councillor Filmer proposed grant permission with the amended conditions as detailed by the officer, Councillor Bradford seconded the proposal.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report and subject to change in wording to Conditions 5 – 8 to state within 3 months of the decision. (Unanimous) |
Planning Application 01/23/00002 13 Bath Road, Ashcott, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9QS To consider a Listed Building consent application for the Part-retrospective Listed Building Consent for works to be carried out to the Grade II Listed Ashcott House (List Entry Number: 1344970) and required for a change of use from residential (C3) to school (D1) with provision for boarding. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Listed Building Consent and subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) Minutes: The Planning Officer had detailed this application with the previous application (01/23/00001) and there were no further comments from the committee who supported the proposed works. Councillor Slocombe proposed that the officer`s recommendation and this was seconded by Councillor Bolt.
To Grant Listed Building Consent and subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
Planning Application 08/24/00027 16 Northgate, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3EU To consider a planning application for the Change of use of existing Offices to 8No. bedroom House of Multiple Occupation. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report.
(Unanimous) Minutes: The Planning Officer introduced the planning application with the assistance of a power point presentation. it was confirmed that roof lights will be used to lessen any impact on the conservation area and that the bins would be stored in the north side of the building.
The members of the committee were supportive of the proposal and Councillor Bolt proposed that the application be granted and this was seconded by Councillor Hendry.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report.
(Unanimous) |
To consider a planning application for the proposed erection of new 2 bed dwelling, with associated parking. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) Minutes:
The Planning Officer presented the application with the aid of a power point presentation. they explained that the previous outline application was for a self-build property, however this planning permission was for an open market dwelling; the proposed dwelling was adjacent to the development boundary and so was being advertised as a departure from the Development Plan. It was considered that there were no adverse impacts on the surrounding area.
Although some members of the committee were frustrated that the application had originally been granted due to being a self-build property and was now an open market property, it was proposed by Councillor Bolt to grant permission and this was seconded by Councillor Hendry.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
Planning application 17/23/00037 Sunny Glen, Upper New Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3DL To consider a planning application for the Erection of 4no. detached dwellings and associated works. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (For 8, Abstention 1) Minutes: Councillor Pauline Ham left the room before the consideration of the following application.
The Planning Officer introduced the application with the assistance of a power point presentation and there were no updates to his report published within the agenda.
The committee were addressed by a representative of the parish council who considered that the proposed highway access was not safe and that the highways authority’s previous objections had not been met.
The committee were then addressed by the agent who reiterated that no objections had been received from any of the technical consultees, with the application reduced to 4 properties which were of a high design and materials used with a number of climate friendly proposals, the highway access was currently in existence but would be improved.
During discussion, members sought clarification from the officer in respect of the access and the proposal which had been amended to address the objections received during consultation on the application. Councillor Filmer proposed the officer recommendation to approve and this was seconded by Councillor Hendry.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (For 8, Abstention 1) |
To consider an application for the Erection of a Single Storey Dwelling. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) Minutes: Councillor Ham returned to the committee; Councillor Duddridge left the room as did Councillor Slocombe after she had made her comments as a registered speaker on this application.
The Planning Officer made her presentation on the application explaining that the Division Members and the Parish Council both objected to the proposal.
The committee then heard from the Division Member who did not object to the development but wished that a condition be placed on any permission for Broadlands Lane only.
The Agent then spoke on their application and confirmed that it was a suitable plot for the development and that there had been no objections to the proposal except for the use of certain lanes.
The Planning Officer advised that the use of a specific lane could not be conditioned as this was a civil matter.
Councillor Hendry proposed that the application be granted and this was seconded by Councillor Filmer.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
Planning Application 42/22/00029 Land Off, Batch Road, Puriton, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 To consider an application for the change of use of land to private gypsy and traveller site, including 3no. pitches each with 1no. mobile home, 1no. utility/ dayroom and 1no. tourer caravan. Also with, parking provisions and associated works (retrospective).
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) Minutes: Councillor Duddridge left the committee for the remainder of the meeting.
The Planning Officer introduced the application with the assistance of a power point presentation. She explained that the this application was in comparison with another application that a planning inspector had granted with the same flood risk issues; all other matters of the application had been agreed and it was considered that there was no adverse impact on the surrounding area and as it was in an isolated position no neighbours were affected.
The committee received a statement read by the committee manager reiterating the proposal which was needed for a family and level of risk is low but various mitigating measures had been added to the living areas.
In response to questions from members, the planning officers confirmed that that the buildings would be raised and that the flood risk assessment was very detailed with a number of scenarios.
Councillor Slocombe proposed the officer recommendation and Councillor Hendry seconded the proposal.
To Grant Permission subject to the conditions as detailed within the Officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
Planning Application 50/23/00069 Chapel Farm, Blakeway, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4UE To consider an application for the erection of an agricultural building to be used as an implement store (part retrospective). Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
To defer the application to update the information in the report in respect of any historical applications relating to this site and to ascertain further information on any previous structure situated on this site. (For 8, Against 1) Minutes: Ther planning officer introduced the application with the aid of a power point presentation, explaining that the parish council objected to the application on the grounds of local plan policies and would have an adverse impact on neighbouring dwellings.
The parish council addressed the committee explaining that had been a glasshouse in the past and that the proposal would have an adverse impact on neighbouring dwellings and the nearby SSSI, also that there was a nearby watercourse and there was no business case that this additional building was needed.
The planning officer confirmed that conditions had been placed on the permission to control use of building and to reduce any adverse impact. However some members considered that there would be an adverse impact on the neighbouring dwellings and it was proposed by Councillor Slocombe that the application be refused due to visual impact on neighbours and that the size/scale of the development was too large, Councillor Martin seconded the proposal; however the vote was lost (For 2, Against 6, Abstention 1).
During further discussion, Councillor Pearce proposed that the application be deferred for further information on the previous structure on the site and to address possible inaccurate information supplied, this proposal was seconded by Councillor Bolt.
To defer the application to update the information in the report in respect of any historical applications relating to this site and to ascertain further information on any previous structure situated on this site. (For 8, Against 1) |
To consider 2 reports: · Appeals received from 1 May 2024 · Appeals decided from 1 May 2024 Additional documents: Decision: The committee noted the Appeals received and decided as detailed within the agenda report. Minutes: The committee noted the Appeals received and decided as detailed within the agenda report. Resolved: To note the reports as attached within the agenda.
The committee adjourned at 11.50am. |