Decision details

Update on Children's Transformation Programme / Business Plan

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Decision status: Implemented

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received a presentation on Children’s Transformation Programme / Business Plan.


The transformation priorities are – sufficiency, efficiency, managing risks (slide 8). The 4 strategies underpinning the priorities 2023 - 2026 (slide 9) are –

·      Education for Life

·      CLA Transformation

·      SEND Strategy

·      Connect Somerset


The Chair asked that the committee think further on these areas and at the next meeting will ask for volunteers, to act as champions for each area.

Publication date: 20/11/2023

Date of decision: 15/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Accompanying Documents: