Meeting documents
SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee
Monday, 25th July, 2022 1.00 pm
- Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee, Monday 25th July 2022 1.00 pm (Item 5.)
The presentation slides circulated with the agenda provides an overview / for information for the Committee.
The Council’s Assistant Director, Inclusion, Dr Rob Hart will talk through the key points at the meeting.
The Committee received a PowerPoint presentation from the Council’s Assistant Director, Inclusion Dr Rob Hart, who presented the proposals for the Education and Inclusion Services redesign.
Dr Hart covered the following in the presentation – context / aims of the service redesign and the need for systemic change; outlined the current structure and issues and challenges; detailed proposals within an area-based structure, with clearer accountability structure; what kind of service will become; strengthening preventative capacity; outlined the consultation process and proposed timeline with implementation from beginning of 2023.
The Committee had a broad discussion on the proposals, covering – how will know the changes lead to the outcomes wanted (what will ‘success’ look like); where the proposals sit in terms of national guidance and best practice; where and how early years ‘fit’ in the proposals; details on the Support Services for Education (SSE), management and commercial development.
The Committee requested that the final proposals be presented to the Committee, after the consultation and engagement had concluded, and prior to approval being made on the redesign by the Executive.
Supporting documents: