Meeting documents
SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee
Monday, 25th July, 2022 1.00 pm
- Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee, Monday 25th July 2022 1.00 pm (Item 4.)
To receive an update from the Governance Manager. To assist the discussion, the following document is attached - The Committee’s Work Programme.
Please use the following link to view the latest Executive Forward Plan of planned key decisions that have been published on the Council’s website Executive Forward Plan of Key Decisions
The Committee considered and noted the Committee’s current work programme and the Executive Forward Plan of planned key decisions in coming months, including Executive meetings.
It was agreed: -
· That the Council’s Assistant Director Inclusion was asked to provide a ‘briefing on a page’ on the current situation regarding school exclusions
· That the Committee’s recent Task and Finish Group report on School Exclusions be circulated
· That job titles as well as names, be included on the work plan
· Members were invited to email the Chair and Vice Chair if they have any further items they would like the Committee to focus on
· That the work plan be noted.
Supporting documents: